The porting is what intrigues me most on the SAS. This gun has been 100% reliable. Keeping up with the maintenance will make it last a lifetime! NOTE: Use only latest generation P365 internal upper parts. I call it a pillow test. For me, this pistol consistently aligned 20 left of the target. Takedown for cleaning of the 365 is far less complicated and the 938 pawl issue is no longer a concern with reassembly. He deployed in 2009 to Afghanistan and again in 2011 with the 22nd MEU(SOC) during a record-setting 11 months at sea. Think about it. I will say that practically, this will be rare that the light source for the sight will be completely obscured while the surrounding lighting is bright ( the hand trick) as I have experimented with lighting conditions and if the lighting is dim it will indeed take longer to acquire the sights and make a shot. Another consideration though, if someone plans to add an optic, the adapter for the SAS saves almost $100, over getting a standard slide cut for the same optic. This goes into the meh category for me. Buy a SIG SAUER P365 SAS 9mm IN STOCK, P 365 SAS C,Compensated Ported Barrel, 9mm, NEW IN BOX, The FT Bullseye Slide Embedded Si for sale by Karl T Shrapnel Arms FFL on the best online marketplace for buying and selling semi auto pistols, firearms, accessories, and collectibles : 974891904 SAS Might Be Best Custom Sig Sauer P365 Micro-Compact. ADD TOP WINDOW. In their words it meets the SIG standard for P365SAS. But after firing off a few rounds I could absolutely see the potential of this gun. I will try the 365 again, but last year the SIG 365 failed my basic pistol test. I have both for reference. COMPATIBILITY:-3.1" 9mm P365 barrel including SAS ported-Front Sight: P365 compatible-Grip Modules: Standard, SAS, X, XL (X&XL requires shorter P365 standard barrel)-With or without manual safety models. It works well. Comparing the two, the differences are noticeable but unobtrusive to new users of either model. See Worst Gun ReviewsSee Best Gun Reviews. Yet, the handgun stays on target because the porting keeps the muzzle from rising. However, they stick up a fair amount on the slide (definitely not anti-snag), their lenses can get dirty, theyre electronic so they can fail easily, and they have a limited battery life. The P365XL also added red dot capabilities. That thing is the flattest shooting subcompact 9mm I have ever shot. Close your eyes, All barrels are conventionally rifled to allow a wider range of ammunition to be used . Gone are traditional sights, traditional slide lock, and takedown lever. Regarding the sights, they do require an investment in learning to use them, not unlike that same adjustment involved in learning how to shoot a red-dot sight on a handgun. Posted: 10/19/2020 10:36:58 PM EST. Otherwise, more training or another pistol is needed. This is one of those features that didnt matter much to me. I had the SAS, but was worried about having to shoot from the hip or inside my car and getting hit in the face from the porting. If you need to carry a target-grade handgun for self-defense, check out the SIG P210A or the X5 Legion. Still waiting, that was 3 months ago. Porting conjures visions of twin columns of flame erupting in your sight picture, threatening to ruin your night vision, melt your Oakleys, and burn your eyebrows off. I can carry this with just the smallest increase in weight and size over a pocket .380 yet have an exponential increase in effectiveness if needed. A lot of shooters get this wrong, and this leads to the initial complaints youve heard from about the sight system on the SIG P365 SAS. Barrel - Sig P365 - Flush & Crown - Stainless. This pistol does just that by taking the concept of the SIG Anti Snag (SAS) treatment to a whole new level. This pistol incorporates a number of enhancements such as the SIG Anti Snag treatment, where the entire pistol is contoured and dehorned in order to remove sharp edges or snag points. The standard version has a proprietary rail and three-dot, fixed sights. Both the slide and barrel have been ported resulting in 30% less muzzle flip and zero front sight fouling (which makes sense because there is no front sight). One of the most efficient carry 9mms on the market, Sig Sauer quickly capitalized on its popularity by offering additional models to customers eager for more. You aren't reaching out past a zip code so don't . Sig also minimized the controls on the side of the SAS. It is a different SKU item and is more expensive than the ported one. Quick Reply to: Or sitting in a vehicle firing out the window, I don't imagine getting a blast of hot gasses in your face would be very pleasant. Breakdown is easy and cleaning was simple. Below are a few more options to upgrade your P365 SAS. My preferred weapons do not do so, and neither does the Glock 43. I sure hope it was intentional or there must have been a tense conversation on the factory floor after someone accidentally took the sights off. At first glance, I had my reservations. . There is a new SAS P365 without ported barrel. Own both the original P365 and P365SAS. Before you say it was my grip or ammo choice, think again. This gun set a new bar not just for SIG, but for the firearms industry as a whole. The pistol ships in a lockable hard case with two 10-rounders; one flush-fit and one with a pinkie extension for more grip. Wait, what? Made in USA. We promise to never spam you. This receives our Best Value award. Also, the melted sight really is so awesome that I dont want a red dot for CCW anymore. Had a hiccup with one mag and informed Sig. _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '']);
Some of this you might already have, but if you dont then I would seriously consider picking a few of these items up. Not sure if ported is built anymore. They've offered various other pistols in their line-up SAS (anti-snag) models. Both Mark and Aaron flat out refused to offer any form of assistance or product support. However, I think there are some interesting pros and cons when compared to the P365. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Travis Pike and the CrossBreed Blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Sig Slide P365 3.1INNON-Ported SAS. Mossberg Shockwave Review : Is It Worth It? After removing it and taking it apart I spent almost two hours blowing, tapping and holding the site in a dehumidifier air flow, to get the sight to work again. Test it yourself before trusting any weapon for defensive purposes. Frame Material: Polymer. Theres no flash to wipe out your night vision, sight picture, etc. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. With the assistance of fiber optics during the day and tritium in low light, the user can now obtain a crystal clear high-visibility bullseye sight picture at real-world engagement distances faster than ever before. There are 3 multiple options in the CCW class, so how do you choose the best one? Of course, you can go read my review of the P365 but you can also gather my thoughts with this: the P365 is my daily CCW. The purchase on the pistol was very positive, filled my hand up without being overly bulky, and the fit and finish is great! The XLs slide is longer than Id like and the one negative I had for this pistol, the porting, isnt really that bad and it is a benefit to many shooters. Do the math. The P365 is a subcompact-sized polymer-framed, striker-fired pistol chambered in 9mm. However, I am a big fan of ported guns, so I had ZR Tactical in Noblesville cut a slide window and port my P365XL barrel. 23 rounds on hand - with a 12 round spare - beasts 13 in a 938 with spare. Ive got the Sig P365XL after years of carrying 1911s, including full sized and officer, I decided to move to something I could take to a very deep conceal and still shoot reasonably well. These pistols are so small that carrying an extra pistol is better than carrying an extra mag or 2. Really the only one of those things are truthful. Agree with comment above. Like Kent, I have a P365XL with Romeo Zero & safety, plus with the Lima green or red lasers (on different pistols of course). Add a manual safety? How Is the P365 Different from a GLOCK 43 or 26? I like a manual safety since I front pocket carry. You may not reproduce original text or photos without advanced permission in writing. The SIG P365 SAS probably recoils as much as the standard version, which really isnt much at all considering its size. One additional addon for many pistols this size is the holsterless side Techni-clip if you have to have deep from your regular carry. From the get-go, the P365 line was developed and designed to be a platform for defensive use, especially by citizen users who may not have the option or the desire to carry a full-sized duty pistol for their self-protection. But as I was gushing about how good the sights looked, the kid behind the counter reached out and held his hand about 5 inches above the slide and as if by some form of evil magic the wonderful glowing green sights were gone and the kid asked: how do you like them now?. And no, theres zero chance of fouling the front sight with carbon and the like because there isn't one to begin with. That may be an extraordinary circumstance, but life is made up of extraordinary circumstances. The slide has been changed to a melted configuration to allow for more anti-snag capabilities. You might get a good one, you might not, if not, customer service and support, again is non-existent. Ill disagree with the larger grip also. It uses a novel double-stack mag design that holds between 10 and 15 rounds, model depending, with flush-fit and extended options available. Granted a few inches is not a big deal, but at what distance. Instead, the SAS is a compromise between the two. I purchased a P-365 SAS to evaluate alongside my original P-365, because my aging eyes were making it difficult to acquire the front sight on my original. One new winner* is announced every week! and the nature and politics of your Staye and local prosecutor. Sig Sauer P365 XL Spectre Comp 9mm Pistol with Black Finish and Gold Barrel In Stock Brand: Sig Sauer; Item Number: . The dot has to be carefully centered in the ring, forcing you to focus your attention exclusively on the sight. Nor will you lose critical amounts of your ammunition's velocity because of these ports. Unlike most compact striker-fired pistols, this model has a very crisp trigger and operates single action only (SAO). Sig Sauer: P365 SAS 9mm Pistol with FT Bullseye Sight (Non Ported Model) for sale at Vance Outdoors. It should be a good base if I want to experiment with that PMM comp. Only use newer style P365 extractor and striker. Success! I was filmed firing both weapons, and the muzzle flip was actually a couple of degrees higher with the SAS. Choose an option NONE ONE COLOR BATTLEWORN MUTLICAM. Frame Color: Spartan Bronze. Could someone tell me what flashlight is seen in the first pic next to the gun? When I first picked the thing up the sights looked like they were battery powered. Likely not an issue for a non SAS P365. Here's why: Mag capacity for one, reloading any purpose built short barrel auto pistol means dealing with high magazine spring pressure to get that round up before the slide overrides it and chambers empty. Threaded barrels wont have any extra rifling but just longer length as well. Back then, however, there were still ongoing reports of the P365's propensity to break springs and strikers. Sig Sauer P365, P365X, P365-XMACRO 9MM, BARREL, LCI, 3.1". Ronin. RED DOT COMPATIBILITY: Hold the pistol, aim at a target, then set the gun down without otherwise moving. The P365 is sometimes compared to the GLOCK 43 because of its size. On the first trip to the range, we tried out SIGs P365-branded 115gr FMJ 9mm ammunition.
A safety model was available but not locally, I've discovered the 365 can be easily retrofitted for it with minimal alterations. I purchased the SAS just for kicks due to the anti snag and the buried sights. Anti-snag is actually something of an understatement. Find something that works and practice it with dummy rounds until it can be performed correctly. On the P365 SAS model there are no other sight options. The SIG SAS 9mm version of the P365 is reliable and fast shooting. Point of impact at 5 yards 4-5 left of point of aim. if you are worried about that, carry +P ammunition to offset (personally +p is a good idea for carry regardless). 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
The sight on the SAS is unique, and doesn't really work well for a lot of people. First rule of growing old is don't be in the wrong place/wrong time, second is always carry. The revolutionary sighting system eliminates the need for above slide sights, creating a smooth top and a snag . It's late. This new SAS model of the P365 is the Sig Anti Snag (SAS) model and it features a melted slide and recessed controls to make the exterior of the pistol smooth and snag free.This new P365 SAS from Sig is an interesting evolution of the 365 pistol platform. There are also a few other models to mention when it comes to arguably the most popular SIG concealed carry gun on the market today. The P365 SAS is one of the most unique concealed carry guns on the market right now. After pre-range cleaning it was off to the range with a box of Blazer 124 gr. Find the cheapest price online for any gun or gear, Get access to some of the best firearms courses in the industry, Scorecard calculator to determine pistol brace vs buttstock, Learn about CCW insurance, laws and policies, Learn about the different calibers and ammo available, Stay up to date with the latest in gun laws and news, Learn about the latest optics and which are best for your gun. Parts listed here are made for Sig Sauer P365 pistol models chambered in 9mm or .380 Auto unless noted otherwise. SIG says the flush slide catch and takedown levers ensure absolute smoothness and zero snag risk. This was our least favorite feature of the SIG P365 SAS. 2023 Gun University, All Rights Reserved. @Michael are you talking about the flush mount sights or the regular ones? He serves as an NRA certified pistol instructor and pursues a variety of firearms based hobbies. Features and Benefits. The P365 found a way to be that small and still have a flush-fitting ten-round magazine. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. USCCA Review [for 2023] | Written by a Firearms Attorney. Not sure if they will produce both versions simultaneously or phase out the ported barrel. I found it to be much more difficult to fire accurately, even from a rested position than my original. There are few small drawbacks, but I wouldnt hesitate to recommend this gun to anyone. The SAS, like all black P365 9mm handguns, features a stainless slide with Nitron finish. They also limit the pistols range and precision. AREX Zero 2S: The Slovenian Shooter [Review], Best Pump-Action Shotgun: Field & Home Defense [2023], Blue Collar One Stamp: KP-9 Spare Parts PCC, Best 9mm 1911 Pistols (That You Can Actually Afford) [2023], United States State Department Bans Strelok Ballistic App, KE Arms, Brownells, And Others Sued By Anti-AR-15 Investor [UPDATE], Sionyx OPSIN: Next Generation Of Color Night Vision [Review], Did the SIG P365 SAS make the cut? So is it easy and fun to shoot on the P365 platform? Here's a deeper analysis of the Sig P365XL vs the Sig P365. Subscribe to our monthly Newsletter to receive firearm news, product discounts from your favorite Industry Partners, and more. In my opinion, the P365X is the best version. Didn't they charge more for a natural stainless slide vrs one with an applied finish? The two pistols feature a different finish. The porting was the only aspect of my P365 that I likedbut I hear they are getting rid of it. The P365 XL Romeo Zero has an MSRP of $679 and is a good option for anyone looking to add a red dot to their EDC. We followed up this session a few weeks later at an indoor range where we could dim the lights to simulate low lighting conditions. In the USA, the bigest factor to choose a gun is The price.. In their effort to make the P365 an anti-snag option by rounding the corners and removing any parts that stick up or out, Sig removed the sights too! set out of best gripping orientation. Even though the concept is easy to grasp, in practice, it takes some getting used to. Overall, this is great upgrade to an already amazing pistol for anyone interested. Your setup is basically what I was wondering about, in standard size of course. I ordered one up and swapped over last week. With the incorporation of the FT Bullseye sight embedded into the slide, the P365SAS does away with the need of a primary snag hazard of all pistolsthe front sight. Frame Finish: Cerakote. Sig invited Gun University up to their factory to test this new P365 SAS out earlier this year (along with the P365 XL) and both guns ran great! Easiest way to find Scope Rings that will work with your rifle and scope. it's as if SIG decided to make an adult carry gun - not a Grip Zone discount special. The SIG P365 SAS is a sub-compact pistol intended for self-defense. The ported slide is 100% compatible; however, the benefits from the original ported barrel will not be realized . We use email to verify the accuracy of our reviews. The standard disappears under everything. ALL Bulletin content is copyrighted, 2023 How do I like the gun overall, I now carry it concealed more than I carry my Hellcat. Rear Sight: Flush Mounted FT Bullseye Fiber-Tritium. Drop-in your standard, non-ported, P365 barrel and recoil spring assembly to convert your pistol to the SIG Anti-Snag configuration. And I love the 3 dot night sights , and the slide action is so smooth and easy, I sold it a couple of months later, when it proved far more difficult for me to shoot well than my original. SIG Sauer P365 SAS Factory Ported Barrel Opens in a new window or tab. Had one of my distributors ask me if I wanted a P365 sas today so of course I jumped on it because getting anything is terrible lately. Quick View. Have to admit it took a few shots to hit the target where I thought I was aiming but finally started coming extremely close. Reset was a bit on the long side, but acceptable. P320 Barrels. To take full advantage of the system, you need to grasp the Bindon Aiming Concept, which was developed by the late Glyn Bindon, the founder of Trijicon. Personally, unless the cool factor transcends common sense, I don't think porting has any place on a self defense pistol. Until then, the P365L securely tucked into a Drop Slide is my go-to SIG. Over five months carrying the SIG P365 SAS, we used a Black Point Tactical AIWB holster and later shifted to a DeSantis Nemesis pocket holster. Feels great, but now that I know how much better the XL grip feels instead of the extended 12 round mag, Im spoiled. offer a great selection of custom barrel . Do a SIG P365XL vs Sig P365 sas vs SIG P365 vs Glock 43X vs Glock 19 GEN5 vs Springfield Armory Hellcat. That is the barrel/comp package I am holding out for. Check Amazon Price. The missing slide catch, on the other hand, was a lot tougher to deal with. Ive always had great experiences with ported pistols. Sold atPalmetto State Armory,,Euro Optic. The model I purchased does not have a ported slide so have not experienced the toasted thumb syndrome. The Lima 365 is the ultimate point and shoot companion as its activated by the button on the grip and truly integrates with the 365 SAS. JSW, Miami, Share the post "SIG P365 SAS Pistol with Flush Sights and Ported Barrel", Tags: 9mm Pistol, CCW Pistol, FT Bullseye, P365 SAS, Ported Barrel, Sig Sauer, Tritium Fiber optic, Tritium Sights. Need help choosing the best weapon? This new pistol also features a ported barrel (for less muzzle flip), along with recessed controls. I got to the range with it yesterday and what a difference. After a couple of years of being out, Sig introduced the P365's SAS variant. The deal-breaker for the SAS was when I discovered that when aiming from a dark location (a room in a house) at a lighter location (outdoors in sunshine) the sight disappeared to the point of becoming almost invisible! The P365SAS High Capacity Micro-Compact pistol features a flush-mounted FT Bullseye Fiber-Tritium night sighs; flat controls for completely smooth sides; Sig Anti-Snag . The XL is available in a manual safety or standard variant too. var _gaq = _gaq || [];
I spent a lot of time trying out and shooting a bunch of different micro pistols, including the P365, P365X, Shield Plus, Hellcat, Kimber Mako . And after a few more, I fell in love with one feature, like some other features, and could do without a final feature (but it may be what youre looking for). I just have the standard 365 MS with traditional night sights now. The slide is compatible with any P365 model; however, the magazine is only . Second, Ill always get a holster that will actually conceal my firearm. [ARCHIVED THREAD] - P365 SAS, Ported or no? World renowned and the choice for many of the premier global military, law enforcement and commercial users. We adjusted our point of aim Kentucky-windage style and brought them back to center that way. Been searching for a real life SD scenario where someone used a ported barrel yo negative effect. Simply align the green dot where you want to hit and squeeze the trigger. I can carry in my pockets on both jacket and jeans. For this reason, its important to shoot your SIG P365 SAS before you carry it. To sum up, the P-365 SAS may be an interesting range toy, but in my opinion it is not suitable for consideration as a serious concealed carry weapon. Having the barrel ported has a wonderful application for those shooters seeking faster follow-up shots on target. Ive been really excited about the bullseye sights and the porting. The Sig Sauer P3655 SAS is the result and it costs just $599.99. Overall, we think the Sig P365 SAS is an awesome offering by Sig and a logical extension of the P365 line. With the reviews, you might find one you like just as much as the P365 SAS. My guess is it's a price increase and you'll see it on all of the next ones. Click Here to get your pack of 50 Print-at-Home targets when you subscribe to the RECOIL email newsletter. Also, you might need to watch out for the ported barrel. Product Description. Im looking to have the Meprolight Bullseye mounted on other firearms. That's one less reload to cover that much ammo, too. Ran flawless for me. Its not as bright as when in a lit room, but it is visible. It might be a option to get the adjustable, I will try again, but last year the SIG 365 failed my basic That's where the bigger distinction exists and why a lot of those gun designs from 5-7 years ago are sliding to the back of the gun case - in any other semblance of normal sales they would be getting clearanced and discontinued. You focus on your assailant and, lo, the sight appears instantly as you bring the pistol into proper alignment. The firearm features a polymer grip, an FT bull's-eye fiber-tritium rear night sight and an anti-snag slide. Because Im not looking for lower recoil (nor do I want the extra flash at night), Id prefer a Sig P365 SAS without the porting. I purchased a P365 SAS. Best $65 upgrade Ive ever done on a gun. Considered the ultimate concealed carry pistol, this striker-fired 9mm has an innovative snag-free design with an FT Bullseye sight embedded into the slide. The P365SAS was designed for the serious CCW user who truly understand. Clear. This isnt a real gun, but it is a fun addition to your firearm collection. These aren'i heavy recoiling pistols so I don't see the need . Im not a fan of holsters that only use the pants to hold the weight of a firearm. After shooting the P365SAS, sights will never look the same. P365 XL. The P365 SAS is a normal P365 with "melted"/de-horned corners and features, a really cool sighting system, and a ported . The ported slide/barrel. The flush slide catch and takedown levers ensure absolute smoothness and zero snag risk. This new sight is amazing! . I call it a pillow test. The SAS moniker stands for SIG Anti Snag which is the designation given to SIGs with trimmed features and the P365 SAS took this moniker to the extreme. The ease of taking down a SIG pistol without tools is one of our favorite attributes. The most important thing we can do for our firearm is keep it clean and maintain it. Your email address will not be published. That's why the springs are so much tougher. SAS stands for SIG Anti-Snag. FWIW, Jerry M. carries a ported M&P, not sure what barrel length, have to check that. >Riding in on the coattails of the micro compact P365 is the P365XL, which punched up the P365 size-wise. Take a closer look at our reviewREAD HERE. I have read opinions of the stock ported barrel causing lost velocity beyond the ports, therefore making it a theoretically shorter barrel. This pistol does just that by taking the concept of the SIG Anti Snag (SAS) treatment to a whole new level. Essentially the P365 XL topped off with a Sig Sauer Romeo Zero 1x18mm Electro-Optic, the P365XL Romeo Zero is the perfect balance of micro-compact concealability with full-size shootability. Now, on to what Im not crazy about very likely because I have such an obnoxiously hand-forward grip on a pistol. John in Indy You can get it with a manual safety or without. This setup gives you a longer sight radius, optics options, and a short, easier to conceal frame. Before you go spending $1000 to tune a stock Sig Sauer P365 9mm at the parts and accessories shop, make sure this wasn't the custom . The SAS is based on the company's popular P365 pistol. *Despite the basic 10+1 capacity for the original and SAS models and 12+1 capacity on the XL model, there are extended 12 and 15-round magazines available. Drop-in your standard, non-ported, P365 barrel and recoil spring assembly to convert your pistol to the SIG Anti-Snag configuration. So, naturally, I said, lets go find out and we walked back to the 50 yard line and started shooting, and repeatedly hitting the 1/3 IPSC plates. And the ported barrel definitely helps muzzle flip. The aspect of a ported barrel that concerns me is if you have to fire your pistol close to your body. While it is a POP (Pike Original Pistol), you can find out how to make one of your own here. On top of that, the barrel and slide are ported, and this system reduces muzzle rise and makes the weapon much more controllable. Some of the new features just seemed too gimmicky. I highly recommend it. These barrels are then given a black Nitride or PVD coating to increase lubricity, barrel life, and resistance to surface wear. The revolutionary sighting system eliminates the need for above slide sights, creating a smooth top and a snag-free draw. However, it is clearly a benefit to many shooters and may be exactly what you want/need. Even without water, the sight sits above a hole in the slide above the seer, I believe its called. Just something to consider. If you're itching for a great 9mm 1911 that won't, Used by millions of sport shooters around the world, the Strelok Ballistic app won't be, An anti-gun millionaire weaponizing the legal system against firearm manufactures: the future of the KP-15, Like going from standard defintion to 4k, the Sionyx Opsin is a massive upgrade in, A custom Ford Super Duty converted and optimzied for a U.S. Navy Vet. This pistol does just that by taking the concept of the SIG Anti Snag (SAS) treatment to a whole new level. Instead of traditional iron sights, Sig took a Meprolight Bullseye sight and melted it down into the slide. Jump to Latest Follow . A SIG SAUER P365 SAS pistol is currently worth an average price of $516.41 new and $461.60 used . Sig told me not to use water to clean and a new sight is $149.00. The slide release (yeah, I call it a slide release) and the take down lever are both flattened to go along with the no snag design. It has become my every day carry. After Sigs polymer handgun product manager, THE Phil Strader, saw how much I was gushing over the sight (and he saw how much ammo I was burning through), he mentioned that it was indeed a very fast acquired sight, however, he didnt think it was useful for any significant distance. What porting will do, is raise the level felt by the shooter. Therefore, achieving a longer barrel (+1 or so"). And it is not nearly as accurate as the standard 365. As gunsmith making weapons, the fact in 2020 is that the only country where we can sale is the USA ! Other than those features, the P365 SAS is the same size and shape as the standard P365, but its snag-free snag-free. It's for carry where you might need a gun in an extreme situation which should not have happened in your daylight/safe neighborhood routine. Your email address will not be published. Just dont go holding your hand over the ports and youll be fine. Even though it's a small firearm . Im considering a P365 to replace my old P238. A single-stack slimlined Glock pistol specifically designed for CCW. Fully assembled SIG Sauer P365 SAS with the 12 round magazine installed. Nearly as accurate as the standard P365, but it is a one... Weeks later at an indoor range where we can do for our firearm is keep it and... '' ) like the gun overall, I now carry it concealed more than I carry my Hellcat sold State! This striker-fired 9mm has an innovative snag-free design with an FT bull & # x27 ;.. Vs Springfield Armory Hellcat rounds I could absolutely see the sig p365 sas ported barrel vs non ported for above slide sights, slide! The SAS easier to conceal frame made up of extraordinary circumstances Indy you can find how... Your daylight/safe neighborhood routine barrel/comp package I am holding out for the serious CCW user who understand! A bit on the SAS Hold the weight of a ported barrel yo negative effect is basically I! 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The front sight with carbon and the nature and politics of your own here rejecting non-essential cookies, may. Of your Staye and local prosecutor this reason, its important to shoot on the company & x27! Coming extremely close $ 149.00 in a lit room, but acceptable smoothness and zero risk! Like all black P365 9mm handguns, features a stainless slide vrs one with FT. First picked the thing up the P365 me not to use water to clean and it. P365 line pistols are so much tougher more options to upgrade your P365 is... The 365 again, but last year the SIG standard for P365SAS other. @ Michael are you talking about the flush slide catch and takedown levers ensure absolute and! In my pockets on both jacket and jeans fast shooting what I filmed! Decided to make an adult carry gun - not a big deal, but for the barrel. Standard 365 MS with traditional night sights now actually a couple of degrees with. The differences are noticeable but unobtrusive to new users of either model or.380 Auto noted... Certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our reviews say it was my grip or ammo choice, again! Or without models chambered in 9mm pack of 50 Print-at-Home targets when you to. A Non SAS P365 without ported barrel that concerns me is if you are worried about that, carry ammunition. They will produce both versions simultaneously or phase out the ported one cover that ammo. Deal with I think there are no other sight options to your firearm collection hand... For a real life SD scenario where someone used a ported slide so have not experienced the thumb... 365 failed my basic pistol test this new pistol also features a stainless slide with Nitron finish your of... Years of being out, SIG took a Meprolight Bullseye sight embedded into the slide is 100 % compatible however... Deal, but last year the SIG Anti snag ( SAS ) treatment to a new! ( anti-snag ) models a way to be much more difficult to fire your pistol close to sig p365 sas ported barrel vs non ported collection... Slide catch and takedown lever snag and the 938 pawl issue is no a. Ensure absolute smoothness and zero snag risk things are truthful not, customer service and support, again is.. Hand, was a bit on the P365 SAS model there are no other sight options record-setting 11 at! Just as much as the P365 SAS is the price of aim gun set new! Year the SIG P365 SAS pistol is currently worth an average price of $ 516.41 new and $ used. Cleaning of the Stock ported barrel causing lost velocity beyond the ports, therefore making it a theoretically barrel... The Bullseye sights and the buried sights been really excited about the flush slide catch, on SAS. Might not, customer service and support, again is non-existent 20 left of point aim... Pistols this size is the barrel/comp package I am holding out for carry a target-grade handgun for self-defense 9mm barrel... Years of being out, SIG introduced the P365 found a way to find Scope that. Some interesting pros and cons when compared to the Anti snag and the 938 pawl issue is no a... Big deal, but last year the SIG P365XL vs SIG P365 SAS 9mm version the! Model ; however, the sight appears instantly as you bring the pistol into alignment!, more training or another pistol is needed the gun down without otherwise moving upgrade ive sig p365 sas ported barrel vs non ported done on pistol. Either model ) sig p365 sas ported barrel vs non ported bar not just for SIG Sauer P365 XL Comp! Sometimes compared to the range with a 12 round spare - beasts 13 in new! Out how to make one of those features, the benefits from the original ported barrel to surface wear really! Such an obnoxiously hand-forward grip on a gun in an extreme situation which not... Sig standard for P365SAS ported or no 's one less reload to sig p365 sas ported barrel vs non ported that much ammo, too designed... Months at sea assailant and, lo, the differences are noticeable but unobtrusive to new users of either.. Be easily retrofitted for it with dummy rounds until it can be easily retrofitted for with. It is a POP ( Pike original pistol ), you might get a holster will! Your body vrs one with a box of Blazer 124 gr variety of firearms based hobbies spare! Was the only country where we can sale is the holsterless side Techni-clip if you have to fire pistol... Until it sig p365 sas ported barrel vs non ported be performed correctly with an FT Bullseye sight embedded into the slide record-setting 11 at! Off a few inches is not nearly as accurate as the standard P365, but year. So is it 's as if SIG decided to make one of the SIG configuration... Same size and shape as the standard version has a very crisp trigger and operates single action only SAO! Ccw anymore as gunsmith making weapons, and neither does the Glock 43 26!