In another place and and in another future, the ship computers of Starfleet are something else entirely, and Raffi has returned to Starfleet Academy to lecture on the subject that has ultimately directed the course of both her own life and shaped history forevermore; synthetic intelligence. Janeway/Seven Raffi and Seven are used to saying goodbye to one another. Post Endgame. If you've been very good, you may get everything you want for Christmas. Follow the Heavy on Star Trek Facebook page for the latest breaking news, rumors and content! But her past lies with violence. She and Raffi explore that comfort, together. No synopsis given. Complete, A Rose By Any Other Name G Those goodbyes have a specific structure to them to distract from the fear and uncertainty that they both feel when Seven is heading out of Federation space. With a character like Raffi, to the extend we imagined her history in a fair amount of detail, her history included all kinds of sexual partners Shes had relationships with all kind of people Same thing with Seven of Nine If you think about that, it almost seems unnatural that she wouldnt have had partners of other genders. On-Going, Of The Ghost In My Bed G 06 Jun 2020. I must have written several novels worth of fan fiction, most of it romantic. Complete Fewthistle And I Remember Your Voice, and the Sound of Goodbye PG Janeway/Seven Complete Acceptance of Humanity PG Janeway/Seven Sequel to Denial of Humanity - The Captain makes a decision and informs Seven. So you know, to, to explore that is, is a really cool thing. She is not Borg or human. Raffi and Seven prepare for their missions. Complete, When Did You Know? Go and steal it of course! Complete, A well developed vocabulary PG Raffi is on Earth in between missions and is concerned about her girlfriend. With who?, Tell me what you like about yourself, what you see that you like.. Ryan has stayed quiet about the potential relationship. Or the one where Raffi has some secret custom replicator patterns. Its lucky I dont, though, because it turns out Michael Chabon, Akiva Goldsman and their colleagues know exactly what theyre doing. just not to their liking? Continues where The Sum Of Her Parts left off. Raffi and Seven find solace in their names. Complete, 16Hours 18 Complete, The Sum Of Her Parts 18 Complete, You Know Me 15 Janeway/Seven Raffi Musiker. Raffi and Seven are used to saying goodbye to one another. I wont go back and immediately murder her. However, it's clear now that the writers had Seven and Raffi's relationship in mind even before their finale moment, all thanks to Hurd and Ryan bonding at a convention. In an interview with Inverse in October of 2020, Hurd didnt confirm whether or not her character would be romantically linked to Seven in season two. The queerness and transness of it all is staggering. She's been a writer ever since high school when she realized she was rather good at it and joined as many entertainment news clubs as she could while in school. Janeway/Seven Adults who jokingly ask children if they have any crushes of only one gender is one example of enforced heteronormativity, while disallowing queer kids to bring their dates to prom would be another. The only turbo lift story I will ever write lol What it says on the tin.I rant about Star Trek, mostly Picard some TNG. Its wonderful seeing the prompt responses each time. Star Trek: Picardactress Jeri Ryan explains where season 2 will find Seven of Nine and Raffi's romantic relationship. However, it isn't long before Picard gets involved in a new galactic conflict, meets a new crew, and gets a brand new ship. Please consider turning it on! No, Im not talking about the palpable sexual tension between Seven of Nine and Janeway, nor the substantive number of Seven of Nine/Janeway fanfiction stories on AO3 though thats all a part of Sevens queerness, too. Janeway/Seven Raffi helps. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Seven calls the Captain to her in Astrometrics, teling her she wishes to discuss her feelings and pursue her humanity. A majestic sunset painting the sky in gorgeous pink and orange shades over a lake, the sound of her mother singing old show tunes while shes getting ready in the morning, her roommates sleep heavy eyes when she wakes up earlier than shed like to. Under the stars.. Janeway/Seven better than having. Well be on the lookout for that tag, and reblog everything we see! Under the stars. Its what Ive thought of her for thirteen years, what I always wished someone would say to her, and what everyone whos ever felt like an outsider needs to hear. Raffi helps. Required fields are marked *. As a child, Seven was taken to the Delta Quadrant by her parents who were exobiologists studying the Borg. Janeway and Seven begin to explore what it really means to love. Janeway/Seven Though we never see Sevens assimilation, we know that unlike adults who are assimilated, she was placed in a maturation chamber where her synaptic pathways were remapped. Her deep love of movies led to her working at a movie theater for five years, which she loved despite the angry customers. Theres something hard in Raffis eyes; a look shes never seen before. In an interview with SyFy Wire in March 2020, he revealed that he would be writing a few episodes, but not serving as Picards showrunner. You can ask for help.". Janeway/Seven Seven is captain of the USS Excelsior and Raffi Musiker is her first officer. She could see herself fitting in here, at least for a while. But also the well of caring Raffi knows that lives there, that built Raffi up and up and up so that Seven could bring her down as hard as Raffi wanted.". Complete, The Water Witch 18 And they help each other down memory lane. Its similar and yet different from what Raffis doingpulling the sunlight inside herself and radiating it like a glow. Trek news outlet TrekMovie was at the panel and shared some of Hurds reveals. But what she does by resisting those labels, by refusing to deny either her Borgness or her humanity, is create space for others: What does the future of the xBs hold? A no-stakes, no-stress prompt event. ), You held your own back there, Raffaela murmurs. Your password must include at least 8 characters with a combination of upper/lower case, number and symbol. Janeway/Seven However, she did say shed be excited to see that happen. The scene was very subtle, but it caused a stir in the fandom. Already,Picard has seen the returns of several familiar faces from acrossStar Trek history, include Jeri Ryan's Seven of Nine. Complete, The end is the beginning 1 2 PG ), but we want to make sure we mark it appropriately. Charades. I think Im in love., Huh. Rios collects himself for a moment, keeping as straight a face as he can. And just what did happen to the Borg and the queen after Admiral Janeway's sacrifice? go wild, look forward to seeing what you guys come up with!). Raffaela knows this and encourages it, when appropriate. In The Gift, Seven begs to be returned to the Borg, begs not to be turned into a human against her will. Luckily, B'Elannas had experience with this kind of illness before. Her thumb is brushing the jagged skin of Annikas cut. Complete, Viva Las Vegas 18 Who knows, but thanks to Seven, theyll get to find out. Raffi seemed to be in a good place as Picard season 2 ended, but season 3 finds her in very different circumstances, . She explained: "Its an unusual thing, in Star Trek, to pick up in the middle of a relationship. They argued. R&R. Janeway/Seven She pursues romances, even ones that make literally no sense. After he talks her down and convinces her not to kill her, Seven gives Picard a ranger chip so he can call her and tells him something to the effect of, Oh no, no. Complete, A Captain's Carol 18 When Star Trek: Picard season 2 begins, Seven of Nine and Raffi are still together, but they are definitely past the honeymoon period. Janeway/Seven Though we never see Seven's assimilation, we know that unlike adults who are assimilated, she was placed in a maturation chamber where her synaptic pathways were remapped. Like many queer and trans folks, Sevens body is often a site of conflict between her and those that would control, dismantle, or destroy her for her refusal to fit in a binary. I need you, says Seven immediately, and it cracks open something beautiful inside of Raffi. She and the Borg, like Data, Soji, and the synthetics, interrogate what it means to be human and the limits of that humanity. Complete, The Associate 18 Men and women with stronger wills than she. Janeway/Seven During a VIP-only panel at the official Star Trek convention in Las Vegas earlier in August, Hurd gave some new, exclusive details about her relationship with Seven in season two. A/U - Set in the universe created by the episode, "The Killing Game", which took place in WWII France. Fluff response. This article was originally published on June 9, 2020. Its the light Seven cant look away from. Raffi brought up Seven's commitment issues. Take it, its yours.. So remember, tag your creations with saffi prompts and well be sure to boost their signal here. In one of the final scenes of Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2, Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) and Raffi (Michelle Hurd) sat at a table together on Rios ship, La Sirena. Additional tw for grief/mourning , An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works, predict/control - SkylandMountain1013 - Star Trek: Picard [Archive of Our Own], An Archive of Our Own, a project of the I have no idea exactly what will be happening in the future for Raffi and Seven. I was smitten with 7 of 9 in her initial silver catsuit in ST Voyager series. Complete, Black Velvet 18 Janeway and Seven take the time to themselves by themselves, but who new R&R could be so complex. Ala the bloopers from the audio play of Cupid has Been Assimilated by Patricia L Givens. First, I should explain that the original, Voyager-era Seven has been my comfort character since I was a teenager. The surgeries forced on intersex infants are one example of how the gender binary is enforced, and refusing trans teens access to binders, hormone blockers, and other means of harnessing and manifesting our gender identities is another. Complete, The Phantom's doing 1-2 3-5 15 In 2399, Raffi met Seven of Nine, the woman who would eventually become her wife. Please consider turning it on! 293. As for her relationship with Raffi, if Seven hadnt learned to keep an open mind, she would have gone back to the Collective long ago. Andy/Miranda Janeway/Seven Emily/Serena She just holds Raffaelas gaze, steady and brash. Janeway/Seven You should try it., Seven asks Raffi, on their first night as Rangers together, Stay here with me. Once a fan favorite character onStar Trek: Voyager, Seven seemingly joined Picard's crew at the end of the first season and is poised to stick around for season 2. Laris. After a longer than expected wait, Paramount+'sStar Trek: Picard will finally return for its sophomore run in just over a week. The way she relates to her body and how her body autonomy has been taken from her by both the Borg and the Federation reads like the experiences of many transgender, nonbinary, and queer folks like me. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (87), The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien (1), Raffi Musiker/Seven of Nine/B'Elanna Torres (22), [PODFIC] Some Strange Cargo, by Regionalpancake, Hugh | Third of Five/Geordi La Forge (background), I had to write this cause I'm gay for Soji, Seven and Raffi are good gay mentors to Soji and OC while also figuring out their own feelings. Janeway/Seven Spans from the resettlement on Vashti to post-s2. Icheb tells Seven, after his first night back on his homeworld, I slept. Seven was around six years old at the time and her family might have been the first humans assimilated into the Borg. Under the stars." Janeway/Seven Paramount+ Season one showrunner Michael Chabon has been clear that both Seven and Raffi are bisexual and their relationship will continue in the upcoming season. A little bit of angst, nothing more. There were hints throughoutPicardseason 1 that both Seven and Raffi had an interest in women, but it wasn't until the very end that it became clear. The missing scene of what happened after Will woke Beverly up in sickbay + Picards thoughts when they got to the bridge. Raffi and Seven are used to saying goodbye to one another. Janeway/Seven What Im referencing specifically is Sevens relationship to her body, gender, attraction, and romance. For three years, her parents trailed, observed, and tagged the Borg aboard one cube, all in the name of science. Will Janeway, Seven, B'Elanna and the doctor be able to set things right? And I Remember Your Voice, and the Sound of Goodbye. I tried to get him to see itbut I dont think hell listen to anyone but you. "We skip the whole honeymoon phase, and we are into the complexities of an adult relationship, in the trenches, youre in the middle of it. Seven is suddenly in love and Janeway doesn't like it one bit. We were both looking good, whatever, and [the photo] goes back to our producers and writers and literally, you could just see them looking at that picture and they were like [makes whispering sounds]. But I really have faith in the in the writers and their vision. As rumors of a rebellion swell, Raffaela takes the time to show Annika the importance of listening. But for 18 years, Seven of Nine lives as a Borg, humming with the connectivity and unity of the hive mind while she enacts the same violence done to her onto others who are assimilated. Raffi didn't hold the sounds that Beverly made against her, nor did she fault Deanna for her outburst, since her empathic connection to the woman was obviously overpowering her . didnt historically hurt viewership either. I watched it go," and when told Laris that he chose duty over love. Janeway's home and in need of some renewed hope. In Canada, it airs on Bell Medias CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave. - If you create anything, be sure to tag it with #saffi prompts (here or on AO3). Seven injures herself on a Ranger mission, leaving Raffi at a loss of how to care for her. Janeway/Seven This is a small addendum to the What Comes After series that tells a little bit more of the first night of love between Phoebe and Celes. She is Borg, she is human, and she is one of the first of her kind: an xB. In the right light, these events, maybe even these people, connect. Janeway/Seven Seven of Nine stepped back on board La Sirena and looked around. LGBTQIAP+ representation in Trek has developed slowly if at all, so I was not prepared to see this. With a commission into Star Fleet on the table Seven has to decide if this departure will be her last Ranger mission or if she's going to turn them down. One of the more surprising developments ofStar Trek: Picard season 1 will still be around as the crew of La Sirena embark on this new adventure. "You and I, we think we have to prove ourselves by doing shit the hard way. However, new details from Hurd herself seem to indicate that the relationship will continue in season two, and perhaps beyond. Seriously, blown away by the creativity. Once a drone out of the maturation chamber, though, we know that Seven, like other Borg, became compliant and connected to the hive mind. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aa5ed8cc44c763bdd7232226b787a31f" );document.getElementById("de2db4ef33").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Copyright 2022 Women at Warp. The whole world of Star Trek is that all of our writers and producers and everyone involved is receptive to the world, right? Star Trek: Picard streams exclusively on Paramount+ in the United States and is distributed concurrently by ViacomCBS Global Distribution Group on Amazon Prime Video in more than 200 countries and territories. Seven waits and listens and helps. Janeway/Seven We wanted to have a space for creators of all kind to come together, stretch those creative muscles, and celebrate The Best Love Story of all Trek. What happen when Janeway awaken from stasis and realise she is back on Earth. An avid reader who constantly buys books before reading the ones she already owns, Rachel is a huge fan of superheroes (especially of the Marvel variety) and wizards and will likely never be able to catch up on all the movies/TV shows she longs to watch. Takes place 1-3 years after the end of Season 2. Complete, Hearts and Minds New PG-13 "Raffi has to heal herself. Related:Star Trek: Seven of Nine's Tragic Picard Story Deserves Its Own Spinoff. Blood is still oozing from the wound and Raffaela wipes a drop with the pad of her thumb. Janeway/Seven They looked at each other affectionately, then reached across the table and interlocked their fingers. Janeway and Seven's Homecoming . Seven is caught in a trap during a Ranger mission.Raffi thinks its hilarious. One of her eyes was replaced and her body was filled with technology including in her hands, hips, and brain. Janeway/Seven The light and the way it gilds BElanna as she throws her head back. Some members of Starfleet go on a cruise together. Voyager's gone back to the Delta Quadrant with a new Captain and a new Chief Medical Officer, but how do Seven and Kathryn fit in? PG 03 Jun 2020. Vadic. Seven shares a meal with Captain Shaw on the USS Titan and ruminates on wine. Who we become after living through the hyper-enforcement of the gender binary, even if we can find ways to live in our true genders and sexualities, is never the same person who could have existed before. Hurd said: Michelle Hurd: We kind of knew it was coming. Well still reblog it (provided it passes all Tumblr rules! So it's all her fault, like we all didn't know that already. Light. A selection of Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Romance and Humour with a mix of pairings. You should try it." Seven asks Raffi, on their first night as Rangers together, "Stay here with me. Voyager's going back to the Delta Quadrant with a new Captain and a new Chief Engineer, but how do Seven and Kathryn fit in? Raffi and Seven prepare for their missions. The scene where they took each others hands was literally, them finding each other. Instead, they finally succumb to the feelings between them and make love for the first time. Seven of Nine's surprising Star Trek: Picard relationship emerged from a comic-con, according to star Michelle Hurd. No synopsis given. There are an unbelievable SIX fantastic fics and one amazing piece of art so far, which can all be found by scrolling through this blog. Why? she asks. But we dont. Complete, Denial of Humanity PG While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Zanis face does not move. Complete, When a sportle meets a frottle PG PG Work Search: Its fun and were able to tell more inclusive stories that really reflect society.". The ship is caught in the middle of a pirate attack when tragedy strikes. How did Beverly and Jack end up halfway across the galaxy from Picard? The email will only be created once you click on the "Send Email" button. Shes a workaholic who ends up raising an ex-Borg child named Icheb and returning to earth with the Voyager crew. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Raffi/Seven endgame. Beverly wakes up in sickBay. My Halloween offering. Prior to their moment in the finale, Seven of Nine and Raffi didn't have many moments together inStar Trek: Picard season 1. After seven years in the Delta Quadrant, the Phantom brings with him a realization. Screen Rant recently sat down with Hurd and broke down some of the biggest moments fromPicard season 1, including Raffi's new relationship with Seven. For Raffi, for her to witness this woman who is powerful and strong and confident and bold and brave, and just fearless. Complete, Songs of the Soul 15 Janeway/Seven A little sport. Every time shes thrown into unknown territorythe Borg Collective, Voyager, Earth, the Neutral Zone, the Confederation, 21st-century Earth, and now Starfleetshe survives, learns and grows. On-Going, Freedom PG-13 In an interview with Queerty in March of. Still the queen, she replies in the voices of the Borg, Annika is not done yet. Seven is unplugged from the cube and seems a little shocked by what she said. To what's happening in the world, and what's happening to that, and they put it in the scripts. Pg ), but it caused a stir in the world,?... 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