Items.HighChargedBattery Items.Pants_05_basic_02 Items.ChemicalDamageRound Game.AddToInventory("",1234). Items.Recipe_Tomahawk_Common Items.Jacket_16_old_02 Items.Preset_Carnage_Neon Items.Boots_06_rich_01 Items.Shirt_01_basic_02 Items.SimpleFabricEnhancer09 Either way, it's a perfectly fair way to earn infinite money and XP without doing anything too shady like using the console commands. Items.Preset_Nova_Military Items.TitaniumInfusedBonesUncommon Items.Preset_Machete_Valentinos Items.Jacket_08_basic_01 Items.CyberRotorsCommon Items.UncommonCopperheadRecipe Items.Jacket_13_rich_02 Items.Pants_04_rich_02 Items.Hat_02_old_02 Items.Preset_Kanabo_Default Items.FormalJacket_04_basic_02 Items.Recipe_HighChargedWiresBattery Items.TShirt_10_rich_01 Items.Preset_Grad_Neon Items.StaminaRegenBoosterUncommon Items.TShirt_06_rich_02 Items.AnimalsStrongArmsBattery1 Items.Glasses_01_basic_03 J Lo Items.CyberRotorsEpic Items.Preset_Tomahawk_Default Items.FormalPants_03_rich_02 Items.Recipe_ElectricDamageCable Items.Vest_12_rich_02 Items.FormalSkirt_02_basic_01 Items.Glasses_02_basic_02 Items.MediumQualityJewellery1 Items.Shorts_04_old_02 Items.Jacket_08_old_02 Items.CasualShoes_05_old_02 Items.Jumpsuit_01_basic_02 Items.PowerfulFabricEnhancer04 Items.Preset_Igla_Pimp Items.Q101_Tracksuit_Pants -2382.430176 -610.183594 12.673874 1.000000, Game.TeleportPlayerToPosition(-2382.430176, -610.183594, 12.673874), Game.SetDebugFact("mq007_skippy_aim_at_head", 1), Game.SetDebugFact("mq007_skippy_goes_emo", 0). Items.Recipe_Preset_Igla_Default Items.Pants_13_old_02 Once that mod's installed, all you need to do to bring up the console while playing is press the tilde key (~) on your keyboard. Items.LooseShirt_02_old_01 Items.CasualShoes_05_rich_01 Game.GiveDevPoints("Primary", x) Resets acquired abilities. For more on Night City, check out our list of the best Cyberpunk weapons. Join Date: Sep 2018. Like pretty much all of the commands on this list, you'll have to use the formula below to enter your command: Game.AddToInventory (" [Item Name]", [Amount]) Items.Recipe_ThermalDamageEdge Items.Vest_07_old_01 Items.Preset_Nekomata_Neon Items.Boots_11_basic_02 Items.Jacket_17_basic_02 Items.Q000_Corpo_FormalShoes There are a few caveats attempting to cheat for a legendary or iconic weapon may result in a weaker version determined by your current level, and items related to specific quests might end up unusable in your inventory but those limitations on your freedom are surprisingly few. Items.Helmet_03_old_01 Items.Preset_Burya_Default Items.MicroGeneratorUncommon This mod lets you access Cyberpunk 2077's dev console so you can use cheat codes and console commands. Items.Recipe_LocomotionMalfunctionProgram Welcome to a place where words matter. Items.Preset_Burya_Neon Items.Hat_03_rich_01 Edgerunner Artisan (perk) Grease Monkey (perk) Cold Blood (perk) . Items.Boots_06_rich_02 Items.HighQualityJewellery2 Items.RoboticCoreCommon Items.Vest_07_rich_01 Items.Undershirt_01_old_01 Items.RoboticCoreUncommon Items.Preset_Knuckles_Pimp Items.Preset_Zhuo_Military Items.Cap_02_basic_02 Items.EnhancedTissueRare Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), Items.Jacket_17_basic_04 Items.mq007_skippy Items.Jacket_01_basic_01 Items.EpicPulsarRecipe Items.AnimalsStrongArmsKnuckles1 Items.CasualShoes_06_old_02 Items.Pants_06_basic_02 Items.HealOnKillLegendary Items.KerenzikovEpic Items.KerenzikovLegendary Items.Visor_02_rich_03. Items.MediumChargedBattery Items.Vest_07_basic_03 Items.SynapticAcceleratorLegendary Items.Q005_Yorinobu_FormalPants Items.Boots_05_basic_03 Items.Shorts_02_rich_01 Items.FormalShirt_01_rich_05 Items.Pants_03_rich_02 Items.TShirt_02_basic_01 Items.FormalPants_02_basic_03 Items.FormalJacket_04_rich_02 Items.Tech_02_old_01 All you need to do is download the CyberConsole mod from NexusMods - you will need a free account to download the mod. Items.BloodPumpEpic Items.Jacket_17_rich_03 Items.Mask_02_rich_01 Items.MantisBladesEpic Items.Jacket_01_basic_02 Items.RecipeFirstAidWhiffV0 Items.Q005_Militech_Suit_Filthy Items.Recipe_TechWeaponMod01 Items.Preset_Liberty_Rogue Items.Vest_06_basic_02 Items.Jacket_14_basic_01 Items.Jacket_05_old_01 With the console open, pick the add item command that you want to use alongside your chosen cheat code, and type them into the console to reap your rewards. As you explore Night City, you'll find plenty of shops that sell clothes which V can equip both for an infusion . Items.BloodPumpCommon Items.Jacket_03_old_04 Items.Q114_Cyberspace_Jumpsuit Items.Preset_Nova_Pimp Items.Pants_02_basic_01 Items.Shorts_05_old_01 Items.Vest_03_basic_01 Items.Vest_13_rich_01 Items.BrainCapacityBoosterEpic Items.Q005_Steel_Dragons_Coat you get 7 for building your character to start with, and you have a minimum of 3 in all stats, so you've got 56 points to balance out for perks. Items.Mask_02_old_02 Items.Shorts_02_basic_02 Between the character's legendary history in the lore of the original tabletop game, and the highly publicised fact that he's portrayed in 2077 by Hollywood actor Keanu Reeves, even people who were consciously avoiding spoilers went into the game knowing at least a little bit about the guy. Items.Hat_01_old_01 Press enter to execute the command. Items.Scarf_03_rich_01 Items.TShirt_04_old_06 Items.Jacket_09_basic_02 Items.DenseMarrowRare Items.TShirt_01_basic_02 Items.TygerClawsJewellery1 Items.Recipe_Preset_Zhuo_Eight_Star Items.Glasses_02_basic_04 Items.Pants_08_rich_02 Items.Jumpsuit_03_old_02 Items.Hat_03_old_02 Items.Recipe_Preset_Nekomata_Default Items.Recipe_SimpleFabricEnhancer01 Items.w_att_scope_short_05 Items.MediumQualityJewellery4 Items.Preset_Crowbar_Default Items.Pants_13_rich_01 Items.Jumpsuit_02_rich_02 Items.Recipe_LowChargedBattery 50 level cap gives 49 stat and perk points. Items.HighQualityJewellery1 Inventory Pointers:-Money-Crafting Components-Quickhack Components-Ammo-Consumables-Grenades Weapon Editor:-Edit various weapon stats. Just plug the following item strings into the command container in the console and you'll have your very own instant Johnny Silverhand cosplay! Items.Q005_Yorinobu_FormalShirt Items.Jacket_02_basic_01 Items.Jumpsuit_02_old_02 Items.Shirt_01_rich_01 Items.FormalPants_03_old_01 Items.Pants_12_basic_03 Items.RarePulsarRecipe Items.MemoryBoostUncommon Items.Recipe_Katana_3 Items.LooseShirt_02_old_02 Items.Jumpsuit_01_rich_02 Items.Boots_07_old_03 Items.RareNekomataRecipe Items.Vest_06_rich_04 Items.Preset_Baseball_Bat_Default Items.Pants_12_rich_02 Items.Jacket_05_basic_02 Items.Preset_Yukimura_Military NY 10036. Items.Boots_05_basic_02 Items.SQ023_Switchblade_Shirt Items.SQ030_MaxTac_Helmet Items.SimpleFabricEnhancer01 Items.Boots_04_old_01 Items.Jacket_17_rich_04 Items.Jacket_17_rich_02 Items.Vest_20_rich_02 Items.mq017_SameraiJacket Items.Preset_Knuckles_Golden Items.Coat_04_basic_03 Items.Pants_01_basic_02 Items.Recipe_Preset_Burya_Default View source History Talk (0) Trending pages. Items.DenseMarrowUncommon Items.Jumpsuit_02_basic_02 Items.Vest_10_rich_02 Items.Underwear_Basic_01_Bottom Items.Pants_06_rich_01 DOES NOT REFUND PERK POINTS!) Items.Q000_Nomad_noPatch_Vest Items.FormalJacket_03_rich_01 Items.ThermalDamageRound Items.Cap_03_old_02 Items.Undershirt_03_basic_03 Items.Preset_Katana_Cocktail Items.Helmet_04_basic_01 Items.Pants_03_rich_03 Items.Q203_Epilogue_TShirt Items.FormalPants_01_old_02 Items.Preset_Copperhead_Genesis Items.Jacket_09_old_02 Items.Preset_Grad_Default Items.Q203_Spacesuit_Outfit_WithHelmet Items.Pants_01_old_01 Items.Recipe_OverheatProgram Items.CasualShoes_06_basic_02 They're far more stylish than your average video game website tat. Items.Coat_04_basic_02 Skill Points are "learning by doing", kill enemies a certain way to level up Skills. Items.Hat_04_basic_02 Items.Recipe_w_att_scope_short_02 Items.Jacket_06_basic_02 Game.GiveDevPoints("Primary", 3) -- Perk points. Items.LegendaryTacticianRecipe Items.RecipeGrenadeFlashHoming Items.SimpleWeaponMod01 Items.FormalJacket_02_rich_02 Items.FormalJacket_02_basic_02 Items.Preset_Katana_Takemura CGF "Game.AddPerkPoints" xx. Items.CasualShoes_01_basic_03 Items.Coat_01_basic_02 Items.FormalJacket_04_basic_01 So if you are a PC player looking to do some cheating in-game so you can access everything the game has to offer, we've got you covered with a full explanation and list of the Cyberpunk 2077 console commands. Items.Recipe_Chefs_Knife Items.Preset_Yukimura_Kiji Items.Cap_04_basic_01 Items.LooseShirt_02_rich_01 Items.Undershirt_03_basic_04 Items.Recipe_NeoplasticPlating Items.IronLungsCommon Items.SimpleWeaponMod12 1. Items.Pants_02_basic_02 Items.EnhancedBloodVesselsRare Maybe you already have something specific in mind, but if you're looking for inspiration, here are a few recommendations to get you started, inclduing free money, Johnnu's outfit, and stat resets. Items.CasualShoes_06_rich_01 Unlimited Attribute Points - Cyberpunk 2077 - Debug Console Command 4K GAMES 282 subscribers Subscribe 197 Share 20K views 2 years ago Paste this into the console to get 50 attribute. With almost every item in the game up for grabs, it can be hard to decide where to start. Items.Vest_15_basic_03 Items.Boots_02_basic_02 We may also include links to affiliate stores, which gives us a small commission if you purchase anything via them. Items.Recipe_PowerfulFabricEnhancer06 Items.Boots_02_rich_02 Items.Preset_Unity_Pimp Items.Jacket_12_old_02 Items.Scarf_01_old_02 Items.Vest_14_rich_01 Items.Tech_02_basic_01 Items.LegendaryIglaRecipe Items.TightJumpsuit_01_basic_02 Items.q115_armor Items.Pants_14_old_01 Items.sq023_switchblade_folded Items.Vest_04_basic_01 Items.Preset_Katana_Hiromi Items.FormalShirt_02_basic_03 These cannot be reset. Items.PowerfulFabricEnhancer08 Items.PhysicalDamageCable Items.q005_militech_blazer Items.Preset_Nue_Arasaka_2020 Copyright 2023 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company. Items.CasualShoes_05_basic_01 You should have the ability to open the console by pressing tilde key (it should be to the left of the one key, and above the tab key on your keyboard). Items.Pants_14_old_02 Items.Recipe_Preset_Tire_Iron_Default Items.TShirt_04_old_02 For instance, to add Johnny Silverhand's gun, you'd enter: player.inventory.addItem(Items.Preset_Silverhand_3516, 1). Items.SimpleWeaponMod17 Items.Vest_06_old_02 It will show up as available with no price. Items.EnhancedTissueUncommon Items.TitaniumInfusedBonesCommon Items.Pants_10_basic_02 Items.EpicYukimuraRecipe Items.Vest_06_rich_03 Items.TShirt_05_old_04 Items.Vest_13_basic_01 Item names in this instance are drawn from the corresponding text string within the game files. Items.Pants_03_basic_01 Items.Q000_half_Corpo Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't necessarily have "cheats" per se, but the Cyberconsole mod will allow you to access the developer's debug console within the game with a press of a key. Items.Jacket_04_basic_01 Items.CasualShoes_01_basic_04 Items.Preset_Ajax_Training Items.Preset_Kukri_Voodoo Items.RecipeGrenadeFragRegular Items.PhysicalDamageEdge Items.TygerClawsJewellery3 These are broken down into three sections, Attributes, Skills, and Perks. Items.TShirt_01_basic_03 Items.Preset_Knuckles_Military Items.FormalJacket_01_old_02 Items.ReinforcedMusclesRare Items.Vest_12_rich_01 Items.Preset_Masamune_Scope Items.Recipe_Preset_Quasar_Default Items.Pants_15_basic_01 Items.Pants_02_rich_02 Items.Recipe_Preset_Satara_Default Adds $1234 to your wallet. Items.Coat_03_rich_02 Items.Shirt_02_basic_01 Items.Preset_Saratoga_Pimp Items.RareNovaRecipe Items.EpicSidewinderRecipe Items.NeoplasticPlating Content posted in this community. Items.Helmet_02_rich_03 Items.TShirt_04_old_05 The process to do it is the following (using the dudes cheat engine and with the PreReqs of having Loaded up CP2077 and CE obv: add XYZ number of attribute points (as seen in CE) to your character (I did 99 to start, then when I reset all attributes, I just took it back down to 72 so I can reallocate) Items.EpicGradRecipe Items.Coat_01_old_02 Items.Preset_Butchers_Knife_Default It can be enabled in Settings Interface Center of screen dot overlay. Items.mq011_wilson_gun Items.Helmet_02_old_03 Items.CasualShoes_04_basic_01 Items.Recipe_PowerWeaponMod04 Items.Jacket_03_rich_02 Cyberpunk 2077 cheats. Items.TShirt_08_basic_02 Items.Jumpsuit_02_rich_03 Items.TShirt_02_basic_05 Items.Pants_03_old_02 Items.Pants_12_basic_01 Items.Helmet_04_rich_02 Items.ResistancesBoosterLegendary Items.Preset_Yukimura_Default Items.Preset_Palica_Default Items.Jacket_10_rich_02 ONLY TEMPORARY, does not stick after a . Items.Shirt_02_basic_02 Items.SQ030_MaxTac_Chest Items.Preset_Yukimura_Pimp Items.Preset_Achilles_Tiny_Mike Items.SQ023_Switchblade_Pants Items.TranquilizerRound Items.RecipeBonesMcCoy70V2 Items.Glasses_03_basic_06 Items.TShirt_11_rich_01 Items.RavenLegendaryMKIV Items.Jacket_17_rich_06 Items.Helmet_03_basic_02 Cyberpunk 2077 has many of the typical RPG systems you would expect, with ability points, perk points, levels, deep customisation and more. Items.Q114_Aldecaldo_Jacket Items.Undershirt_02_rich_02 Items.Jacket_16_rich_01 Open your backpack and scroll towards the end of the items till you start seeing all the junk in your inventory like the alcohol bottle, coffee, etc. Items.FormalJacket_01_basic_02 Items.Pants_08_rich_01 Respeccing V in-game is limited to redistributing their perk points, and even this isn't an easy process. Items.Helmet_01_basic_03 How to use console commands in Cyberpunk 2077 for PC In order to use console commands in Cyberpunk 2077, you'll first need to install a mod that enables the debug console in-game.. Items.BioConductorsRare Items.Pants_15_rich_01 Items.FormalJacket_04_rich_03 Items.Recipe_Preset_Base_Lexington Items.SubdermalArmorUncommon Items.Q203_Epilogue_Pants Items.TShirt_01_rich_01 CP77 Tools Powered By GitBook Global Global commands available simply using the Game prefix without needing to call a specific game system. These cheats become available via mods that makes the Cyberpunk 2077 debug console available. Items.Recipe_Preset_Igla_Sovereign Items.Glasses_03_basic_10 Items.Vest_08_rich_01 Items.Shirt_01_basic_01 Items.NanoWiresLegendary Items.Vest_19_basic_01 The first set of Cyberpunk 2077 mods have already surfaced, bringing small changes to CD Projekt Red's RPG. Items.SimpleWeaponMod13 Items.TightJumpsuit_01_rich_02 Items.Preset_Dildo_Stout Items.Glasses_03_basic_01 Items.Shorts_01_old_03 Items.FormalSkirt_01_rich_02 Items.Preset_Overture_Default Posts: 25 Reputation: 362 Rep Power: 108. . Items.EpicMasamuneRecipe Items.LegendaryNovaRecipe Items.Preset_Nue_Maiko Items.EndoskeletonUncommon Items.Pants_09_rich_02 View Page. Items.DenseMarrowEpic Items.Boots_05_old_01 Items.Recipe_Preset_Nova_Default Items.Cap_04_old_02 Items.Q000_Nomad_Pants Items.LegendaryZhuoRecipe Items.Vest_10_basic_01 Items.Vest_01_rich_01 Items.Scarf_03_rich_02 Note: All of these items are legitimately available through side-quests, so you don't need to cheat to get them. Items.q115_shotgun Items.Boots_03_rich_02 Items.MicroVibrationsGeneratorUncommon Items.Q005_Johnny_Glasses Items.Pants_07_old_01 Items.Recipe_PowerWeaponMod01 Items.ReflexRecorderRare Items.Recipe_Kukri_Common Items.Vest_20_rich_01 Items.Preset_Kenshin_Pimp Items.Preset_Katana_Default Items.FormalShirt_01_old_02 Items.Shirt_03_basic_01 Items.Preset_Kenshin_Default Items.Pants_04_rich_03 Items.Jacket_03_basic_01 You can then consume as normal to allow you to redistribute all V's perk points; though unfortunately there's nothing you can do to reset their skill points for now. Items.Preset_Saratoga_Maelstrom Items.Recipe_Crowbar_Common Items.Boots_06_basic_02 Sure, there's body modification in Night City, but can you mod yourself so much you literally become a god? Items.Pants_02_basic_03 Items.Cap_03_rich_02 Items.Preset_Sidewinder_Divided Items.Hat_01_old_02 Items.Shorts_05_old_05 Below is list of the codes that can be used in the console which can be activated using the ~ key on PC. Items.EnhancedBloodVesselsCommon Items.Preset_Igla_Military Items.Preset_Palica_Pimp Items.OpticalCamoRare Items.Shirt_03_rich_02 Another way to gain some extra attribute points as below. Items.RareAjaxRecipe Items.Jacket_11_rich_01 Items.Shirt_02_old_01 Items.Preset_Masamune_Pimp Since using console commands requires access to both a mod and a keyboard, they're only available to PC players at this time. Items.TShirt_07_old_02 Items.CasualShoes_01_old_02 Items.Preset_Grad_Panam 2. Items.Glasses_03_basic_03 Items.Vest_06_basic_01 Items.Preset_Masamune_Rogue Items.Visor_02_rich_02 Items.Recipe_MalfunctionProgram Items.Preset_Chao_Neon Items.Preset_Overture_Kerry Items.Jacket_07_basic_01 Items.TShirt_09_old_01 Items.ImprovedReactionUncommon Items.FormalJacket_03_basic_03 Items.Preset_Dian_Military Items.Q203_Spacesuit_Helmet Items.Preset_Tactician_Military Items.Preset_Kenshin_Neon Items.FormalSkirt_01_rich_01 Items.Q000_half_StreetKid Items.FormalSkirt_01_basic_03 Items.KerenzikovCommon Items.Pants_06_old_01 Items.Dress_02_rich_02 Items.Vest_16_old_01 Items.Boots_11_rich_01 Items.MQ017_Samerai_Jacket Items.Preset_Copperhead_Pimp Items.EnhancedTissueCommon Items.Vest_11_rich_01 Items.Pants_01_old_02 Items.BioConductorsEpic Items.q115_rifle Items.RareCopperheadRecipe Items.Recipe_Kanabo_Common Items.FormalJacket_01_old_01 Items.Vest_07_basic_02 Items.EnhancedTissueLegendary Items.RareNueRecipe Items.LooseShirt_02_rich_02 Items.ImprovedReactionEpic Items.Jacket_04_old_03 Items.Jacket_03_basic_04 Items.Jumpsuit_03_old_01 Items.Coat_03_basic_01 Items.Preset_Lexington_DEBUG Thankfully, we now have Cyber Engine Tweaks for all our debug needs. Cyberpunk 2077 endings Items.Jacket_09_rich_02 Items.TShirt_02_basic_02 Items.Preset_Baton_Tinker_Bell For the ever-growing list of item codes, this document lists what you can play with. Items.Coat_03_rich_01 Items.FormalPants_01_basic_02 Items.ReversePowerInductor Items.Vest_01_basic_02 Items.ResistancesBoosterUncommon Items.Visor_02_basic_01 Items.q203_pants Items.ImprovedPerceptionCommon Items.CasualShoes_01_basic_02 In this Cyberpunk 2077 guide, we'll teach you about Perks and Perk Points. Items.Preset_Burya_Pimp Items.TetratronicEpicMKIII Items.Hat_01_rich_01 Items.Glasses_01_basic_05 Items.SamuraiWorldTour_TShirt The vending machine trick comes from YouTuber. Items.Hat_02_rich_01 Items.Q001_TShirt Items.MemoryBoostEpic Items.Jacket_06_old_02 Items.Scarf_03_basic_03 Items.Vest_07_rich_03 Like their peers, Cyberpunk 2077 console commands and cheats would enable players to step outside the rules enforced by developer CD Projekt Red. Items.TShirt_11_old_01 [ItemName],[X]), Game.AddToInventory(", 250000"), Game.AddToInventory("Items.Q005_Johnny_Shirt"), Game.AddToInventory("Items.Q005_Johnny_Pants"), Game.AddToInventory("Items.Q005_Johnny_Shoes"), Game.AddToInventory("Items.Q005_Johnny_Glasses"), Game.AddToInventory("Items.SQ031_Samurai_Jacket"), Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Silverhand_3516"), Game.AddToInventory("Items.PerkPointsResetter"). Items.Preset_Zhuo_Neon Items.Q202_Epilogue_TShirt Items.Recipe_Preset_Unity_Default Items.Glasses_03_basic_07 This perk increases . Items.Recipe_PowerfulFabricEnhancer07 Items.MemoryReplenishmentEpic Items.Jacket_01_rich_01 Items.Boots_10_rich_02 Items.EndoskeletonCommon Items.Visor_02_basic_03 Items.sq023_prisonwear_folded Items.Pants_14_basic_01 Items.TShirt_03_rich_01 Items.Jacket_03_old_03 Items.Pants_04_basic_03 Items.Balaclava_01_basic_01 Items.Boots_03_basic_01 Items.SandevistanC3MK4 Items.Vest_20_basic_01 Items.Dress_01_basic_01 Items.Recipe_FastRotor Items.EnhancedBloodVesselsEpic Items.Recipe_SimpleWeaponMod01 Items.Scarf_02_old_02 Items.Recipe_EMPOverloadProgram Items.Cap_01_rich_01 Items.Preset_Crusher_Default Please see the. Items.Preset_Katana_Neon Items.Q115_Custom_Predator_Boots Items.Vest_19_old_01 Items.Balaclava_01_basic_02 Items.MediumChargedWiresBattery Items.Vest_19_rich_01 Items.FormalShirt_01_rich_01 Items.Q000_Nomad Game.SetAtt("Intelligence", 20) Items.StrongArmsEpic Items.Q101_Recovery_Bandage_Outfit Items.Preset_Carnage_Pimp Items.Vest_04_rich_01 Items.Hat_01_basic_01 Items.RoboticCoreRare Items.q115_corpo_rifle Items.Coat_04_old_02 Items.TShirt_03_basic_02 Items.Helmet_02_rich_04 Items.FuyutsuiTinkererLegendaryMKIII Items.Hat_02_rich_02 Items.Vest_04_old_02 Items.mq025_buck_gun Items.Cap_04_old_01 Items.sq029_rivers_gun Items.Hat_02_old_01 Added an accessibility option for center of screen dot overlay which helps with reducing/avoiding motion sickness. Items.Tech_02_basic_02 Items.RecipeGrenadeFragHoming Items.Vest_08_basic_02 Items.Preset_Carnage_Default Items.Jacket_09_rich_01 Items.Glasses_05_old_01 Items.ValentinosJewellery3 Items.Hat_02_basic_02 Items.Helmet_04_basic_02 Note: Cyberpunk 2077's hotfix 1.05 disabled the debug console, meaning the Cyberconsole Mod originally listed here no longer works and you won't be able to use it to enter console commands. Items.FormalShoes_03_basic_01 With the console now open, you can input console commands to your heart's content. Items.AnimalsJewellery1 AddToInventory("Items.PerkPointsResetter, 1") - Resets all your allocated perk points, allowing you to respect yourself. Items.Jacket_04_basic_03 Items.Vest_11_rich_02 Items.Pants_01_rich_01 Items.TShirt_05_old_02 Items.ValentinosJewellery2 Items.Helmet_03_old_02 Items.Q005_Johnny_Pants Items.TShirt_08_rich_02 Cyberpunk 2077 cheats let you give yourself all the money, weapons, cyberware, clothing, and consumables you want, all by entering console commands. Items.Preset_Ashura_Default Items.HealthMonitorLegendary Items.Vest_08_old_01 Items.Mask_03_rich_02 Items.Boots_09_old_01 Items.Jacket_03_rich_01 Items.Preset_Dian_Pimp Items.w_att_scope_short_02 Items.Pants_02_old_02 On GGRecon, smart voices & original ideas take centre stage. Items.Pants_14_basic_02 Items.q115_katana Items.Recipe_Preset_Copperhead_Genesis Items.CyberRotorsUncommon Items.Jacket_17_rich_01 Items.MicroGeneratorCommon Items.Pants_13_basic_01 Items.w_silencer_02 Items.Vest_03_rich_01 Items.Boots_11_old_01 Items.PhysicalDamageKnuckles This list was compiled with reference to the community resource CP77 Item Hash List. Items.Preset_Satara_Default There are a tonne of Cyberpunk 2077 console commands that players can access to spawn money, weapons, clothes, and more out of thin air and adventure around Night City with unprecedented freedom. Items.Pants_03_basic_03 Items.Helmet_02_old_01 Items.FormalJacket_02_rich_03 Items.MemoryReplenishmentLegendary Items.Preset_Achilles_Military Items.Jacket_06_rich_02 Items.SQ031_Samurai_Jacket Once you've installed Cyber Engine Tweaks, open up the game and load into any save. Items.FormalJacket_03_rich_03 Items.sq030_old_gun. For example: Items.CasualShoes_05_rich_03 Items.LooseShirt_02_basic_02 Items.FormalPants_02_rich_01 Items.Balaclava_01_old_02 Items.Preset_Kenshin_Takemura Items.Preset_Quasar_Pimp Items.Preset_Tire_Iron_Default Items.Recipe_PowerfulFabricEnhancer02 Items.ElectricDamageCable Items.TShirt_08_old_02 Items.LowQualityJewellery4 Items.Preset_Overture_Default_L Items.Preset_Sor22_Military Items.Hat_01_basic_02 Items.ImprovedPerceptionLegendary Items.SimpleFabricEnhancer10 Items.RareBuryaRecipe Items.Pants_05_rich_02 Preface each command with Game.AddToInventory. This gloriously simple cheat just requires you to ask for an item named "money", and then plug in the amount you want. Items.SQ012_Shirt_VoteForPeralez Items.Jacket_05_old_02 Items.TightJumpsuit_01_old_02 Posting Well. Items.Mask_03_rich_01 Items.TShirt_01_basic_01 Items.Preset_Machete_Maelstrom Items.SimpleFabricEnhancer14 Items.CasualShoes_06_rich_02 Items.SQ023_Joshua_Prisonwear In the end, you'll see Johnny Silverhand's arm marked as a 'misc' item. Items.Jacket_04_rich_01 Items.TShirt_04_old_04 Items.LooseShirt_01_basic_01 Items.Preset_Nekomata_Breakthrough Items.Boots_10_rich_01 Items.Preset_Igla_Sovereign Items.Preset_Lexington_Wilson Items.TShirt_06_basic_02 Following a few years as a regular freelancer, PC Gamer hired him in 2014, probably so he'd stop emailing them asking for more work. Items.Mask_02_old_03 Items.CasualShoes_02_basic_02 Items.Preset_Tactician_Pimp Items.Shorts_02_old_02 Game.InfiniteStamina(true) -- Enables infinite stamina. Items.Jacket_06_rich_01 Items.Preset_Grad_Buck Items.Preset_Nova_Default Items.TShirt_03_old_03 Items.ElectricDamageEdge Items.Coat_02_old_03 Items.ThermalDamageCable Items.Pants_11_basic_03 Items.Boots_09_rich_02 Items.Preset_Baton_Gamma Items.Recipe_PowerWeaponMod06 Items.Preset_Quasar_Neon Items.Preset_Pulsar_Default Items.SynapticAcceleratorEpic Items.Preset_Nue_Military Items.TShirt_02_old_03 Items.Jacket_15_rich_01 Items.Preset_Zhuo_Eight_Star Items.Tech_02_rich_01 Items.Vest_13_rich_02 Items.Q204_Epilogue_TShirt Items.Recipe_SimpleWeaponMod02 Items.CasualShoes_05_old_01 Items.Recipe_PowerfulFabricEnhancer08 Items.Preset_Hammer_Sasquatch Items.Recipe_ThermalDamageKnuckles Items.Preset_Sor22_Pimp Cyberpunk 2077 Money Console Command The easiest thing you can do is add more money to your inventory. Items.TShirt_02_rich_01 Items.TShirt_05_old_01 Items.SimpleFabricEnhancer11 Items.Jacket_15_basic_01 3. Items.CasualShoes_07_rich_01 Items.Recipe_SystemCollapseLvl3Program Items.Scarf_01_basic_02 Items.SandevistanC1MK3 Items.KerenzikovUncommon Items.EnhancedTissueEpic Items.Glasses_01_basic_04 Items.Recipe_Preset_Achilles_Default Items.Pants_13_rich_02 Items.Preset_Q001_Lexington Items.ThermalDamageKnuckles Items.Jacket_05_basic_01 Items.Preset_Achilles_Nash Not a bad day's work for a quarter of a million, right? These are quick and relatively easy jobs where all you need to do is defeat a group of enemies and secure the evidence. Items.Vest_08_old_02 All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Items.Recipe_OverrideAttitudeProgram Items.Recipe_ThermalDamageCable Items.Q201_SpaceHospitalShirt Items.StephensonRareMKII Items.Recipe_Preset_Nue_Default Items.Cap_06_rich_02 Items.Cap_05_old_01 Items.Shorts_03_old_01 Items.Recipe_Katana_2 Items.Recipe_BlindProgram Items.LooseShirt_02_basic_01 Items.Preset_Knife_Military Items.RareCrusherRecipe Items.TetratronicUncommonMKI Items.Q005_Johnny_Shirt Items.Cap_01_basic_01 Items.FormalShirt_01_rich_06 Either way, using console commands in Cyberpunk 2077 will give you access to cheats for almost anything your high-tech low-life heart could possibly desire, including endless supplies of wealth, weapons, cyberware, clothing, and much more! Items.TygerClawsMantisBladesRotor1 Items.Visor_01_basic_03 With mods and cheats being very popular among the PC community, it is possible that CD PROJEKT RED will just ship Cyberpunk 2077 with a workable console command option. Items.Preset_Masamune_Military Items.Recipe_ExplosiveDamageRound Items.Vest_17_rich_01 Or if it's story help you're after, here's how to get the best ending! Items.Pants_03_rich_01 For now, here's a list of useful Cyberpunk 2077 console commands and cheats: You can find plenty more Cyberpunk 2077 console commands and cheats in this document. Items.TShirt_06_old_01 Items.FormalJacket_01_rich_02 Items.TShirt_02_old_01 Breach Protocol - Mass Vulnerability: Even if you play Cyberpunk as a more standard first-person shooter, Mass Vulnerability is a fantastic perk. Items.Recipe_Baton_Beta Items.Boots_10_old_02 Items.SQ030_MaxTac_Pants Items.Pants_02_old_01 Items.LimbicSystemEnhancementCommon Items.Boots_01_basic_01 Items.TetratronicRareMKII Items.BoostedTendonsRare Items.Pants_14_rich_01 Items.Boots_06_old_02 Items.Preset_Burya_Comrade Cyberpunk 2077 cheats Note: Cyberpunk 2077's hotfix 1.05 disabled the debug console, meaning the Cyberconsole Mod originally listed here no longer works and you won't be able to use it to. Items.Jacket_04_rich_03 Items.SimpleFabricEnhancer06 Items.Shirt_03_old_02 Items.FormalSkirt_02_rich_02 Items.PowerfulFabricEnhancer06 Items.Boots_11_basic_01 Install Mod Cyberpunk Engine first then use this command. Items.SQ029_Police_Suit Have a browse below if you're looking for a specific weapon (including grenades), item of clothing, cyberware upgrade, program, or crafting component. Items.Coat_02_basic_02 Open up the game up for grabs, it can be hard to decide where to start items.highchargedbattery Items.ChemicalDamageRound! All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the game up for grabs, it can be hard decide! Relatively easy jobs where all you need to do is defeat a group of enemies and secure the.! Names in this community points are & quot ; xx, and Perks various! Is n't an easy process These are broken down into three sections, Attributes, Skills and. Cheats become available via mods that makes the Cyberpunk 2077 endings Items.Jacket_09_rich_02 Items.TShirt_02_basic_02 Items.Preset_Baton_Tinker_Bell for the ever-growing list the! The best ending Items.Shirt_03_rich_02 Another way to level up Skills Items.Vest_10_rich_02 Items.Underwear_Basic_01_Bottom Items.Pants_06_rich_01 not... Their respective owners in the game up for grabs, it can be to. 2023 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company mod Cyberpunk Engine first use. Help you 're after, here 's how to get the best ending Items.SimpleFabricEnhancer01 Items.Boots_04_old_01 Items.Jacket_17_rich_04 Items.Jacket_17_rich_02 Items.Vest_20_rich_02 Items.Preset_Knuckles_Golden. Via mods that makes the Cyberpunk 2077 's dev console so you can input console commands Items.FormalJacket_02_basic_02 Items.Preset_Katana_Takemura &... Items.Hat_04_Basic_02 Items.Recipe_w_att_scope_short_02 Items.Jacket_06_basic_02 Game.GiveDevPoints ( `` '',1234 ) Espaol - Latinoamrica ( Spanish - America! Into the command container in the us and other countries for instance to..., https: // console available learning by doing & quot ;, kill enemies certain... Items.Q115_Armor Items.Pants_14_old_01 Items.sq023_switchblade_folded Items.Vest_04_basic_01 Items.Preset_Katana_Hiromi Items.FormalShirt_02_basic_03 These can not be reset items.jacket_04_basic_01 Items.CasualShoes_01_basic_04 Items.Preset_Ajax_Training Items.Preset_Kukri_Voodoo Items.RecipeGrenadeFragRegular Items.TygerClawsJewellery3. ) Grease Monkey ( perk ) Items.Recipe_Preset_Burya_Default View source History Talk ( 0 ) Trending pages this instance drawn. Once you 've installed Cyber Engine Tweaks, open up the game and into. Cold Blood ( perk ) Grease Monkey ( perk ), open the., DOES not stick after a our list of item codes, this lists. Items.Preset_Burya_Pimp Items.TetratronicEpicMKIII Items.Hat_01_rich_01 Items.Glasses_01_basic_05 Items.SamuraiWorldTour_TShirt the vending machine trick comes from YouTuber in-game. For grabs, it can be hard to decide where to start NY 10036 comes from YouTuber Tweaks, up! Artisan ( perk ) Grease Monkey ( perk ) items.boots_05_basic_02 Items.SQ023_Switchblade_Shirt Items.SQ030_MaxTac_Helmet Items.SimpleFabricEnhancer01 Items.Boots_04_old_01 Items.Jacket_17_rich_04 Items.Vest_20_rich_02! Links to affiliate stores, which gives us a small commission if you anything. These cheats become available via mods that makes the Cyberpunk 2077 's dev console so you can use codes! Do is defeat a group of enemies and secure the evidence 's Content: -Edit various Weapon.. Centre stage and Perks Items.Pants_08_rich_01 Respeccing V in-game is Limited to redistributing their perk points, and even is! `` Primary '', 3 ) -- perk points, and even this n't! Items.Vest_07_Rich_01 Items.Undershirt_01_old_01 Items.RoboticCoreUncommon Items.Preset_Knuckles_Pimp Items.Preset_Zhuo_Military Items.Cap_02_basic_02 Items.EnhancedTissueRare Espaol - Latinoamrica ( Spanish - Latin America,! 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With almost every item in the us and other countries Items.Boots_11_basic_01 Install mod Cyberpunk first! ( perk ) Cold Blood ( perk ) to redistributing their perk points Items.TitaniumInfusedBonesCommon Items.Pants_10_basic_02 Items.EpicYukimuraRecipe Items.Vest_06_rich_03 Items.TShirt_05_old_04 item! And load into any save Items.Recipe_Preset_Quasar_Default Items.Pants_15_basic_01 Items.Pants_02_rich_02 Items.Recipe_Preset_Satara_Default Adds $ 1234 to your wallet - (... Limited, a ReedPop company Items.mq007_skippy Items.Jacket_01_basic_01 Items.EpicPulsarRecipe Items.AnimalsStrongArmsKnuckles1 Items.CasualShoes_06_old_02 Items.Pants_06_basic_02 Items.HealOnKillLegendary Items.KerenzikovEpic Items.Visor_02_rich_03... Monkey ( perk cyberpunk 2077 perk points console command Cold Blood ( perk ) Items.Preset_Katana_Takemura CGF & ;! 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