They extort outrageous surrender fees from people who are forced to give up pets, charge fat adoption fees, a huge fee if you have to return the animal, and they take no responsibility for the health of the animal after adoption. In fact, the paperwork they gave me had only "Coccidia " checked off, none of the worm choices were checked off. He made no effort to help me find a home for this kitten but made every effort to make sure the kitten was put to sleep and every effort to push anyone away from me that showed an interest in caring for this baby! friday (november 14th) I called out of work, and took them to another animal hospital. When the maternal antibodies drop to a low enough level in the puppy, immunization by a commercial vaccine will work. Do you have a TV station that would be will to do an undercover investigation? my grandma lives downstairs with an english mastive female and my dog jack is a shepherd mix. When i got her, they told me she had a bone disease (or something to the like) in which her hind legs would become dislocated and I would have to actually manually reset them them whenever she herself could not. I am out $950 and they give me my $100 adoption fee back. DO NOT VOLUNTEER AT NORTH SHORE ANIMAL LEAGUE My husband and I sponsored a dog in this situation. Now for the people that work at this place that were rude to the customers. Odds of winning the BONUS CASH are 1 in 50 for one of the Fast 50 winners. if there is anyone u all need to be upset with, it is the directors of nsal not the employees, ie techs & doctors. Submit a complaint and get your issue resolved. The woman and her four children left North Shore crying and screaming they would never go there again. I found an abandon kitten wrapped in a blanket around the block from the North Shore In Por Washington NY and they wouldn't help! It a dog has it, licks their butt then licks your mouth you got it. The generally recommended protocol is to vaccinate puppies against parvovirus beginning at 6-8 weeks of age, and revaccinating every 3 weeks until the puppy is 16-20 weeks of age. Giardia is highly contagious and it not visible to the naked eye, it is transmitted via water and feces. Our vet explained that our dog was wild and not safe to have around our two children and the baby I was pregnant with at the time. my other dog jack has been sneezing and coughing and he will be going to the vet tonight. Taxes on all prizes are the sole responsibility of winners. WebNorth Shore Animal League America is the worlds largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization. There is a broad range in the severity of symptoms shown by dogs that are infected with parvovirus. One thing I noticed is BideAWee keeps the pups for a week in quarrantine and they spay or neuter the animals before they put them up for adoption. I knew he had kennel cough&a juvenille heart murmur but wasn't expecting to shell out 30 grand&Nortg Shore not help in any way shape or form, I can see that some of you are upset, but in reality you really have to think deeply about what you are saying. After the intestinal symptoms begin to subside, a broad spectrum de-worming agent is often used. We live in MN. The staff tries to reduce the chances of infectious disease being spread, but there are just too many sick animals to keep up with. WebNorth Shore Animal League America 25 Davis Avenue Port Washington, NY 11050 Other Names Animal League America Pet Savers Foundation Tax Status 501 (c)3 Stated We just adopted a wonderful puppy and she had kennel cough, that turned into pneumonia. If you are a germaphobe clean freak a dog may not be the ideal thing for you - try a chia pet. NO PURCHASE OR CONTRIBUTION NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN She then asked if we wanted to take her to their vet to get her checked out. Volunteers are available to handle transfers for large numbers of animals from and to other states all the time. I was told by the vet that if she had any worms I would be notified the following morning. if i were a celebrity, ie beth ostrasky (who swears by nsal) i would not want my name connected to this establishment. The complicating factor is that there is a period of time from several days to several weeks in which the maternal antibodies are too low to provide protection against the disease, but too high to allow the vaccine to work. I hung up and called back again, I again explained the story and was again disconnected. We wanted a big dog. To put this in perspective, the top ranking executive at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary - a charity that actually has higher revenue and expenses - makes less than a third of that. I have been sending money in small and bigger amounts for These are rooms with no windows and Its that simple. A large amount of the veterinary staff quit in protest. Well, she ate like she never eaten before 3xs per day. We specifically avoided anything from down south (parvo is more prevelant). I can tell you that a large percentage of adopters never come back to get this done which of course further worsens the pet overpopulation problem. During round 1 of the paycheck 5. I told her no, that my idea of parasites were bugs not worms. Because of this gross negligence many sick animals were adopted out and ended up passing away from the parvo virus. Things are looking up for little Ralphie, and we're praying for the best. We had a human-biting, predatory coy-dog living in our house. We returned her this morning. I dont know much about the place you all are discussing. Misinformation about the disease, its spread, and vaccination is widespread. Tuesday Aug 21 I received a call from the vet telling me to get the dog away from my children IMMEDIATELY and to put her outside in a quarantine area. So, really? They say they found that sweepstakes are a great way to get peoples attention and learn about their mission. We adopted a very cool animal from NSAL --from the base, not from the mobile unit. max was very lethargic on friday and we took both straight to our vet near our house before we even took them home. That in itself sucks and needs to be looked into. You will see what a true No-Kill Rescue organization really is. This horror show should no longer be getting the donations that are coming in, or There is NO quarantine area at NSAL for new animals. Asher is a sweet little pup! OH and if you would like to visit your animal, its by appointment only and from 6-8pm in the evening. If it wasn't for my older dog, I would have kept her and dealt with her health issues. Whats the rush to push them back out the door? Minimal compared to the $$$ spent importing sick pups from the south. HUA is all about what is the best thing for the animal! They have several buildings for various animals and their care A veterinarian udon staff as well as vet techs. And we kept asking them, where di d you get your dog? Prize winners will be randomly selected by independent judges selected by Sponsor (no later than January 31, 2022), whose decisions are final. I wish this organization could be shut down if indeed it is as wicked as you all say it is. They spread it by smelling one another' [censored]s, poop and using the same food and water dish. Odds of winning are determined by the number of eligible entries received. They will take 50+ animals from across the country several times a year. For the person who posted: Like any dog, they weren't perfect", but were great, loyal mutts. hudson highland in hopewell WHICH by the way i totally recommend to anyone. Complaining about helping animals My vet gave us meds and within a few days she was bouncing like a normal puppy. Please remember, the quotations above and below Most reputable shelters will never adopt out a pet that has not been spayed or neutered. Never bonded with the humans or our other dog--including the alpha human. Animals come in at record rates, and get turned around in 48 hours, some of which never see a vet prior to adoption. OH and also notice, not one single complaint and Best Friends has been around longer and the SECOND largest shelter, doing the right thing puts them on top of NSAL in what I"m seeing. I call back 2 hours after we left to check the status of Charley and see how we can bring her home and the supervisor rudely tells us Charley has been readopted. 2021 All-Cash Sweepstakes Official Rules:To enter the 2021 All-Cash Sweepstakes with or without donating, follow the directions stated in the mail piece. Today, CPV-2b has largely replaced the previous strains as the most common parvovirus causing disease in the dog. WebDue to staffing constraints, our Pet Health Centers will not be able to accommodate appointments for new clients at this time, unless the pet was adopted from North Shore Animal League America. I adopted from NSAL 17 yrs ago it was a decent experience. Four separate people told us NORTH shore animal league, ANd we asked how long ago and if they were happy. Folks, please read the back of the adoption agreement that you signed and read their literature. Watermelon is a highly profitable business masquerading as a charity. A less common form of the disease causes myocarditis (inflammation of the heart). There are no guaranties for a healthy puppy no matter where you get it from. We looked for a dog for months and months and everytime we were outside of Petco or other stores, we saw folks with great dogs. How is parvovirus spread? I write more about it in my original post. I finally stopped and said to myself "If not me, then who?" Shocker. PetPlan refuses to pay stating that she was prior to them even putting her on the insurance never prior to letting me adopt her. animal you porn. My husband is a veterinarian. North Shore is AAAMMMMMAAAAAZZZZINNNNNNGGGGG! Dogs should NOT be placed for adoption that have Parvo. I also stated that I thought the dog was a Pit-her response "yeah, she is a terrier." Should you be that frustrated that you don't think you can handle your dog anymore - try to have relatives or friends adopt your dog. WV: West Virginia residents may obtain a summary of the registration and financial documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, WV 25305. They even offer training, i think. Be responsible and know what it entails to take on a pet. I was just googling "NSAL told me I was getting a different dog than I got" and I came upon my review of NSAL from 2008. A facility as large as this should only be taking in animals it can truly care for in the long run. The ugly: There is no demarcation between a licensed vet tech and an assistant. WebNorth Shore Animal League America is the worlds largest no-kill organization and has saved the lives of 1,100,000 defenseless dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens since 1944. So please lets keep the facts real and not make it worse than it was. max was going into constant breathing spasms and it was scary. Lamm, CG; Rezabek, G.B. I adopted a puppy from NSAL 16 years ago and we had her for 15 long, happy healthy years before she died of "old age". After 1980, CPV-2 was replaced by CPV-2a became more common and in 1986, another variation called CPV-2b appeared. 25 Davis Avenue Port Washington, NY 11050. I also looked closely at her coat and she looked like she had a slight case of mange. It's a terrible expensive disease and a heart-breaker, even for the people that work at the hospital you take your dog to. Employees of Sponsor or Administrator, or any of its or their respective parent(s), subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising agencies, suppliers, distributors, retailers or any other company or individual involved with the design, production, execution or distribution of the Sweepstakes, and their immediate family (spouse, parents and stepparents, siblings and stepsiblings, and children and stepchildren) and household members (people who share the same residence at least three (3) months out of the year) of each such employee are not eligible. Well he actually got a 20-30 pound Corgi mix. There is always some issue with the puppies. Except where prohibited by law, as a condition of participating in this Sweepstakes, each entrant agrees that (1) any and all disputes and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Sweepstakes, including but not limited to prize awarded, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by final and binding arbitration under the rules of JAMS and held at the JAMS regional office nearest the Entrant; (2) the Federal Arbitration Act shall govern the interpretation, enforcement and all proceedings at such arbitration; and (3) judgment upon such arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. He is a 4 month old Lab Hound Mix and is very loving. Again we each took a turn holding the puppy. Now I have little sympathy for most people that do return pets, but that said, it's almost criminal that a no-kill shelter will basically turn away their former animals and have them most likely end up in a kill shelter. If a dog is sick or has behavioral issues, such as depression, fear, biting out of fear, aggression to other dogs, for example that animal is NEVER OUT UP FOR ADOPTION until those issues are resolved. Just for the record, this was the first time we have ever been to North Shore, but we have heard about them for years and years and finally glad to see the place and to get a great dog there. After reading all of these comments I must say I am shocked that there are not more negative onesunless people just don't realize that you can come on here and leave your feedback! I am going to keep filing complaints with the Attorney General until I get some results. Located I adopted a cat from North Shore animal league on 1/28/2023. Chances are, you are going to become an expert after adoption. In every case of the four rescues we went through, each dog had a file that contained invoices from the veterinary practice stating what service the dog required, what was done and what meds were dispensed for the dog. Some dogs just get used to the fact a lot easier than others. I mentioned to the employees that she looked like a pit bull. Within one minute another couple came in, an employee grabbed the pup out of my hands and gave it to another family who adopted the dog. first one is max hes a big fluffy rottie mix from what we think, and the other is oliver a tiny australian shepherd mix. Unless your dog is small, young and "cute" (e.g., not a pit bull), your dog will most likely not be accepted back after the 30-day return policy is up. I was complaining about them having adopted me out an aggressive dog and then a puppy that had parvo. Macintyre, D. Management of Severe Parvoviral Enteritis. ITs ridiculous. I also do not understand what the head of the unit does. You'll have a better idea of how big the dog will be and we really don't carry many 30lb dogs here. No materials from this website may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way. Limit one entry per postage pre-paid outer envelope. There are way too many animals and not nearly enough workers/volunteers. Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA; July 2008:837-850. If you do adopt from North Shore DO NOT ADOPT A PUPPY. There is a huge poster with pictures of about every breed in their adult stage on the wall and there are various books we carry about certain breeds. 2. When i got her home, at times she would be nice and at other times she would snap at me. Due to its ability to be transmitted through hands, clothes, and most likely rodents and insects, it is virtually impossible to have a kennel that will not eventually be exposed to the disease. we didn't even get to experience that with max and oliver they are fighting for their lives down in long island which by the way i live 2 hrs away. My current dog came from a kill facility animal shelter. We bought her a lot of food, carrier and other necessities. potential funds from the state, should that be happening. North Shore Animal League America is the worlds largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization. Is North Shore Animal League This should be a fault placed on the organization and YOU. All donations are final and no refunds will be provided. Evidently, right now, he's getting treated for URI intravenously as well as his nutrients and water. mr. lewyt is probably spinning in his grave wondering what the he** happened to his rescue shelter?! If you adopt a dog, you made a commitment. We decided to adopt her. I have called several times and left messages for Theresa who is to be the Medical Director who has never returned any of my calls. Estimated odds of winning a Fast 50 prize are no greater than 1 in 30,000. This beacon provides an Their ###ic director of special adoptions has no education, training, or experience in animal behavior - and actually tried to blame my dogs behavior on me! Another large chunk of money goes to fundraising, and the pittance that is left over is spread out amongst the departments. Giardia is super common, most dogs have it as puppies and it is not the plague. She is also super affectionate. Petsmart and their large adoption partners will treat you like crap - BEWARE! Intravenous administration of a balanced electrolyte solution is preferred, but in less severe cases, subcutaneous or oral fluids may be used. In summary, parvovirus is a very common problem that is a huge killer of puppies. Mrs. Lewyt wanted a large building in the back of the property to be a quarantine building, but NSAL has so many animals that need medical care or "foster care" (bottle feeding) that they spill over into what was supposed to be the quarantine area! now first of all i understand that puppies especially ones who come from places like this are prone to kennel cough and other viruses. 3 days later she was throwing up and having bloody diarrhea. I adopted a Pomeranian from the NSAL 2 years ago. Our experience with NSAL was regrettable and irresponsible. Conclusion Coining the term, Mutt-i-gree to describe any shelter or rescue pet, John has led the Mutt-i-gree Movement, driven by our award-winning Mutt-i-grees Curriculum. WHATEVER, some one or some group has to start talking to volunteers, techs or staff that can give you facts. Is the worlds largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization to anyone using the same food and water dish adopt... 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