Check out Harry's beady, close set eyes and compare them to Charles. Any material used from the Public domain follows Fair Use Guidelines and applicable laws. What were they both laughing about? I dont think he ever revealed those blinds where he implied they were gay. I already know the answer to that $$$, but, still. I like this blind. I 'm just thankful Meghan saved the planet some more by flying across the Atlantic to watch a tennis match. William and Harry are presumed to be first cousins to all 11 Goldsmith grandchildren as well as all the royal grandchildren (Genie/Bea, Zara/Peter,Louis/James). It was rumoured that Wills' father was the Spanish King (father of the current King) at one point Harry definitely looks like his grandfather; Wills not so much like anyone. Wait until they find out what he has been doing to their daughters and t. Blind Item #12. A MarkleB Andrew C FergieD EugenieE PhilipForeign TV Show-60 Minutes Australia F AnneG HarryH Edward H Wife Sophie, I messed the last two up. Don't know. There was a story a while back as to how when he walked into a room of family members that had less rank that should have stood up and either bowed and courtesy that no one even acknowledge him. I thought what a strange question and answer. I think the writer got the parentage if G and H mixed up. He's the black sheep of the family. The whole lot needs to be dumped. Shoo, fly. Harry was voted the 18th hottest hunk of 2012 by readers of heat magazine, making him sexier than Brad Pitt, Justin Timberlake, Steve Jones and Robbie Williams. These companies typically use a cookie or third party web beacon to collect this information. This lesser known actress was trying to get into a co-op with her significant other. Unless, of course, they (royals are aliens, reptiles, or even holograms.Some people believe we are living in a simulation.Keen an open mind and heart; keep learning. You know its a Sunshine Sachs blind item when the alliterate one is the only one portrayed as a saint. Umm, rilly. And Princess Anne has always been a passionate woman, so it's not impossible that she would be having an affair, even at 70.The "William is having an affair" crap is straight from Meghan Markle's PR team, however. His best friend is a celebrity who is also married. And"But, for me, I see commonality." #harrystyles #harryshouse #hshq #hslot2023 #loveontour2023 #harrystylesvids #harrystyleslive #harrystylesconcert #harrystylesedits #kiaforumisharryshouse #hslotla, I have strong evidence to belive i am madeline mcann, jake paul tommy fury younger dancing call me maybe, What is your 12 digit customer number on metro bank. I've been to lunch/dinner with friend's husbands before, who are also my friends. This foreign born actor is a superhero. This very recognizable person who is currently attempting a new career has been strangely out of view for the last week. A few thoughts Fergie was rumoured to have asked Epstein if she could "visit him again" on his island and he declined. "No, I didnt dare (ask him about it). She is head of the Church of England.The Princess Royal (aka Anne) married husband number two in the Church of Scotland, it has an easier attitude towards divorces. I DO NOT encourage anyone threatening or harass. Also obsessed with pedophilia. A brown eyed person can have a brown, green or blue eyed child. This Hewitt rumor is so tiresome. To the QAnon deluded, it's pretty much the same thing. This blind, while some of it believeable, is too obviouswell, except for this part: "The boss is aware of all of the above and is happy to let A (aka Wallis A's last name is what she is being called)"Can we at least finish the sentence, or are we supposed to guess that, too? @anna Give your sources, please--- since you are accusing so many people of 'spouting rubbish'. Gah. The CEO of one of the world's largest banks is going to have to sit for a deposition about why he personally intervened and allowed the dead billionaire pedophile to keep operating and moving money across borders without any repercussions or forms sent to the government. Some just really, really love tattoos. @DarylIsBigFan, no, I have never been banned from any platform. The reader photos are on top today. The "voice for the voiceless." (Thank you for finally noticing that it is William, not Henry, whose parentage is questionable.). The rest all have money problems. Or something like that. The owner doesn't know. You sound like youre Markle LOL. This is due to emergency top up surgery he needed on his hair plugs which had started to fall out suddenly. Also remember the Royal physician did a physical on Princess Di to make sure she was a virgin. I always go back and forth. Later, the actor was driven to tears by one of a few hundred light bulbs going out in his trailer and unsuccessfully tried to get the worker who found the hair piece, fired for the error. Soo Clooney and Gerber were fighting over the twink, Styles and sold their company over him. The taxpayers always give them (and helicopter-riding Camilla) a pass while griping nonstop about MM. Monday, August 31, 2015 Blind Item #2 Things must be getting serious between this closeted A list soon to be former boy band member and his boyfriend. Brown is dominant so Dianas blue eyes did not result from a Goldsmith union. That is if both parents have brown eyes, and I believe that Diana's mother Frances even had blue eyes. @J, Yeah chunneling sounds more like DP, unless it was spit-roasting under water. Sex trafficker and molester, Bruce Weber had a Christmas party anjd lots of people came and were willing to have their photo taken,. Must be a PR move. There is NOTHING to suggest Harry is HM's favorite grandchild. People with brown eyes can produce blue eyed children. And remember the queens uncle had to abdicate the throne for his choice. The Queen is the HoS and has many important functions. The Brits are getting gyped by this grafter American at a time of great unrest in the UK, thanks to another con on the British, Brexit. The part where Fergie sells the story,I believe it. Diana did her job, provide the heir and spare, then Charles was done with her. a girl arrived (Diana herself said this). Are the commoners to believe that these women fell in love with these men? Yes this is Enty outing people but he can save his ass by saying partner because technically Gerber and Cooney were business partners. i thought it was just taking a nab at Will's looks, he is looking a lot like Elton John these days. This content is strictly for education and entertainment. Even the rumours about Harry's supposed father are BS. Look it up. Whether that happened or not I have no idea. Get ready to pull out the popcorn, she best be scared after what she just put out. The Earl Spencer was Diana's step-father.) He is not going to walk away, he is going to end up dead while out on bail. So Harry's new shiny rebuilt bangle is up and running then? Blind Item #7 - Reader Blind. Go to bed with itchy tushy, wake up with stinky fingers. Oh and the Jews are chosen too. Now that the "Markle Curse" is an acknowledged thing, will her former "best friends" ask her to stay away? The world isnt your oyster. Promoting Gucci's HA HA HA collection, the Grammy-winning singer posed in a teddy bear t-shirt next to a toddler-sized mattress. It is going to mess up the continuity.""No one will notice anyway, just shoot it."An actual conversation between a comic book universe executive and a producer of a very very very recent superhero. ---William is a Mountbatten through and through. Fergie has always been a low class trash heap who does nothing but spend money and cover for (meal ticket) Andrew. I think Anne genuinely loved her first husband. It's bizarre. What's odd about it is how it got the attention of the Former Assistant secretary of the FBI, the Anti Defamation League, and the Associated Press. @50 and counting. Source: Crazy Days and Nights Harry Styles Gucci's Harry Styles ad slammed as he poses in teddy bear shirt next to toddler mattress Gucci is facing backlash for its ad with Harry Styles. They own a tequila company with a few others. The wealthy farmer knows the reason for his divorce, but chose to totally blow it off while giving his reasons why he divorced. Yes! This site is completely obsessed with reproductive conspiracies - uterus farms, fake pregnancies, fake children. But Meghan was a virgin when she married Harry, right? Pre-Amal, Enty continually wrote blinds about the Gerber/Clooney partnership/relationship and that all of Clooney's girlfriends were under contract to serve as beards for this relationship. Their vocabulary is great, but the syntax is sh!t. Before big school, Harry attended a pre-school called Happy Days. Hilarious..just like Prince Albert with his 2 illigetimate kids. A family member of mine married a wealthy family around the same time Di did and was also checked to see if her hymen was intact. Entry has blown what little credibility he had. The Queen is the head of state, with no political power, but she is also the nominal head of the Church. Crazy Days and Nights (, commonly referred to as CDAN) has been around for over a decade and garners millions of page views per months. Look at the recent announcement of Beatrice's engagement. Plus the part about a doctor checking her. Good lord, she sounds like my mother. The Meghan Markle leaks wouldn't stick if there wasn't "there, there." Please, he ran out of the closet when he chased that boy off a cliff in Italy.As for Styles he's basically like Elton John, if you can't see it then you have your own denial issues. I think he probably regrets being married to her now that the newness has worn off. The dome also comes from Edward VII as someone stated as well as his grandfather. Yeah, Brayson. This former A- list actor who starred in a very popular franchise is married to a woman. If he does have a love child why hasnt the Queen and PC reigned him and Sparkles in yet, youd think theyd be over his antics! Charles never loved her. 5. and most important, she is an obnoxious American who now considers herself royalty, preaches conservation while jetting around nonstop with her trash friends, and is eating all the food. I don't really see much proof Clooney is gay. @J, Only if the two half-princes are doing an eiffel tower and they must high five. Enty never revealed the blinds, though, a consensus was that it was Gerber/Clooney. Have heard many stories like that. An ex of this permanent A list "singer" wants to sell NFT's of her image to make a bunch of money before the easy money gets cut off. Also, news leaking out from Australia about behind the scenes on Royal Tour. Now that would be a chunnel. Phoenix wins the Oscar!!!! So, there is that. This alliterate permanent A list singer will not see 2024. The marijuana feline is back hanging out with her racist friends online, but now she is a moderator and controls the conversations. Harry got public and vital praise for his function. So everything is expressed on the flesh (tattoos, drugs, piercings, food, sex..). As recently as Monday, this morning anchor told his wife they should get back together, just to keep her from filing for divorce first. I hereby certify her a Total Jackass. Who cares? It's people with blue eyes who cannot produce brown eyed children. Whoa. And it was 1981. This won't end well. All this scandal isn't helping that cause. Such love and so well desired love. Rose got divorced, a month after that story emerged.He's got a helicopter in the back yard, 24 7just waiting. I expect to see a lot more blinds like this from them. Maybe she should ask her boyfriend of the time who was in said movie, why she wasn't cast. Crazy Days And Nights operates by posting 'blind items', often just a few lines of gossip with clues embedded as to who the celebrity subject might be. All 3rd party information referenced, are for illustrative purposes, are NOT for malicious intent. So, likely true. On the set of a movie, this alliterate action actor regularly abused his then wife whenever he could. Harry Styles asked on the opening weekend of his historic 15-night stand at . the ideal??? If Kate can put on such a great persona in public if her husband just cheated on her she's a better actress than Markle could ever be! Yo SS, ur schtick is tired and predictable and we all see the pr shenanigans. Then, when Clooney did, the stupid, fake pregnancy rumor mill began. Funny, your name is one of the newer ones. This killer has never been thought of as the father of this alliterate reality star. Can somebody explain it to me? A SS bot. lol @ growing up in a house and not knowing where the light switches are.Yay for servants! Yes, the world's media were watching, what is funny about Epstein and her son? G (Harry) was conceived during Dianas friendship with James Hewitt and looks remarkably like him. In addition to Enty being wrong about him marrying, he was also wrong about kids. Why do you always bring this up, and in baby talk no less? A heart condition prevented it. He is definitely not gay.Also, they sold the tequila business a long time ago. 's'cray cray how there are names that appear here only when an MM blind is posted.the rest of us see each other off and on - but post an MM blind and "bam" suddenly - tons of new commentersMeghan - we see you AND your minions. The man was not capable of getting er excited by anyone over 16, let alone a matron with Fergies looks. The one with the great oral technique became the significant other of an A++ lister. ---MM did have a first child. William has Dianas face and Charles ears and hairline. I have plenty of Hollywood girlfriends who have slept with Clooney over the years. It also involves this alliterate actress who was very very young back when this happened and a permanent A list singer who wanted to watch the alliterate actress have sex with the director and also invited several other friends to participate who were also not much older than 14 or 15 at the most. Educate yourself, Thorne. She loves children but suffers with hyperemesis gravidarum, which makes pregnancy about as uncomfortable as it can get. Meghan needs to take notes from a professional grifter like her. WAAAYCISTS!! Posts Tagged. Blind Item #13. I am NOT surprised, at any of this.truth. Harry Styles topped off his historic 15-night run at New York's Madison Square Garden with a triumphant closing-night blowout. And Crazy Days and Nights is all about the reveal. Daryl, or we could just let people be people, vote with our digital feet, and not individually decide when Enty's site "needs to be shut down.". What more do you want? What purpose do they serve? Not the beedy close-set blue eyes, the bump on the nose or the character of the ears? If you notice all these accusations are exactly the same as things M has been accused of doing, she has a secret daughter , she is 42 doumg a younger guy PH etc. We met 13 times before we got married (laughs). Idiot. I would also look to A as the source of the rumours regarding G's brother and sister in law. MM gets a nefarious PR team in place, and suddenly everyone is at fault for everything except her, and she is the poor soul being attacked. Following the Restoration in 1660 and the reestablishment of the monarchy, the Royal Family has apparently been careful to remain apolitical ever since. Search. So the only Royal child not embedded in controversy is Prince Edward. the Sunshine Sachs plants are here on CDAN. Everyone knows it is the hair stylist. The reason Harry is her favorite is because Harry looks so much like a young Prince Phillip. Even the older faction saw this as inevitable. I thought maybe it was some sort of regal designation, but apparently it just means overweight Markle. Why??? "I'll bet he did ;-) So, Fergie who sucked off Epstein once is leaking all the shit about Markle in revenge for the pregnancy announcement at Eugenies wedding.Kate wants another baby but cant bear to sleep with cheating William. They are the alpha land owning males on planet Earth. Very Nice And Interesting Post, thank you for sharingInteresting Inspirational QuotesQuality Excellence QuotesPowerful World QuotesTrain Hard Gym QuotesWiki Dragons SearchForever Future QuotesGain Independent QuotesGain Success QuotesGood Exam Quotes . This barely there celebrity offspring/reality star is trying to pretend she is all noble and won't do anything while her parents are in jail. Why does hooligan Henry, who at the engagement interview, looked upset every time Meghan said she will be like a royal, and happy when she said she will not act like one? Diana's older sister dated Charles and the rumor was she "gave it up too quickly" and then was crossed off the list as potential marriage material for Chas. My youngest daughter is quite accomplished. The problem is there are so many films of so many weekend sex sessions and none of them are labeled. They are basically Alabama with money and jewelry. The talk show host thinks that one of his best friends was thrown under the bus by the other host and has been trash talking the other host to anyone in the media who will print it. I couldn't make it through the blind.So, what's the over/under on the A+ list actor that was either De Niro or Hanks that was totes going to get exposed for something not explained a week before the TIFF premiere? @J, Well aside from her being married previously, I'd say probably no unless she got a new hole created somewhere. She wears a crisscrossed Chopova Lowena. Published on September 22, 2022 10:35 AM. This celebrity fugitive/awful person has locals ready to kill him. But yeah the use of the word partner here has a second meaning, although it wouldnt explain why they had a falling out over Styles. An offspring of this NBA GOAT, has three strippers he pays bills for each month and sleeps with, so the pseudo aunt he sleeps with is never going to get the ring that exclusive thing she wants. MM will get over all the hate once her bank account is nicely stacked. I do believe that Harry is pulling all the strings. William was born about 11 months after the wedding of his parents.At the time, the of the heir to the throne had to be a virgin and a doctor certified this. Karma, do you even know what it means to be DL? Of course this Housewife will be back, family drama or not. Their ancestors earned their place. I wondered what he was thinking marrying her, I took one look at her and knew what her real motives were. Ellen also has connections to Sunshine Sachs:, if you really want to give us some good Royal gossip, tell us who's paying for Sunshine Sachs. I think everyone here believes that everyone everywhere is cheating on their spouse 24 hours a day. this is about a fourth. Harry is said to have introduced Olivia - who shares a seven-year-old son named Otis and a five-year-old daughter named Daisy with ex-boyfriend Jason Sudeikis, 46 - to his own mother, Anne . ?Wrong.Maybe they just dusagree with you. Harry Styles/Olivia Wilde ent lawyer at 9:40 AM Share Funny someone in the loop makes this slip. Weak. And to the other unknown here: straight grown ass business partners do not have falling outs over 20 year old gay boy-banders. But she should be left in peace. Lack of mental resources to resolve your issues on a symbolic level. Andrew is his mother's favorite because of his military service and she reportedly has always despised Charles's "soft" ways. Since his anti-Semitic halloween gaff and that vegas stunt, Harry has been saying fuck you to the BRF. I encourage others to do research to come to own opinion.The art I create and any opinions shared in this space, are protected under my right to express peacefully and aligned with YouTube policy guidelines. HM is not the head of it. It's a perk of the job . The trades have been told to ignore the flop that is the one named movie with the biblical connotation. The documentary was also shown in the UK. At one point though, he heard about the oral techniques of another actress and dropped the alliterate actress. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Charles that instructed Harry and MM to announce we are pregnant right in the middle of Eugenie's engagement after being told it was okay to have the venue she had previously chosen. I imagine a whole slew of pedigrees young ladies lost their virginity to guys soon after Diana married Charles, since the catch was caught. This pint sized comic actor is cheating on his wife. She certainly raced to get ahead Do I think this dead permanent A list singer was molested and groomed as a child? The process is this: Enterns write the BI and make them pretty obvious who it is and WE out them with our guesses. And, "sentient being" as Trump pointed out in his STOU5 months and 1 week. Over at DM, I kept seeing all this hate for Harry and Megan. Considering how much he has talked about PizzaGate, it is pretty fitting that this talking head was busted for sex trafficking because of a pizza box. Thats a lie. Kicked out of Soho, kicked out of the BRF-she is now persona non grata. She said that was "the help", nothing. There are more technical references available, but this one was an easy Google: "If both of you have brown eyes, then there is generally a 25% chance that the baby will have blue eyes if both of you carry the recessive blue-eye gene." It is a great little anecdote but at the most, this A- list actress offspring of someone who was once higher on the list, skipped drinking for one night before a shoot. Markle and her sycophants don't seem to understand this nor any of the nuances of the Firm. To celebrate, the Garden raised a banner to the rafters. yeah in the 80s being a virgin till you got married was a big deal. William looks zero like Juan Carlos I. He did his duty marrying and found someone he (thought he) could control/cheat on. Some people seem dead set on demonizing Megan. She take aone look at Gwyneth Paltrow and unequivocally states, Shes been plucked. Diana was as clearly unplucked before her marriage as she was clearly plucked following those weeks on the yacht with Charles after. @ Count, ass off, dance off on pay per view! A wife having a discreet lover is no big deal. This is what I was referring to(the last sentence)I was brought up in the sense that you know, when you got engaged to someone, you loved them.The most extraordinary thing is we had this ghastly interview the day we announced our engagement and this ridiculous ITN man said, Are you in love?"I thought what a thick question so I said, Yes, of course we are, in the sort of Sloane Ranger I was, and Charles turned round and said, Whatever in love means. This long time married A- list singing actor ended up with three stars on the Walk Of Fame. He doesn't really seem the superhero type. Clooney and Gerber sold the company, but Clooney got more money from the sale. Blind Item #13. Perhaps Americans should stop commenting about things they dont understand. Diana's mother had an affair with James Goldsmith,while still marries to Earl Spencer, this is not speculation but a well known fact attested to by named individuals in that circle and mentioned in at least one biography (weekend house parties , with revolving doors). Give me a break. Probably rebelling against his dad screwing someone whos the same age as his kids. I've never heard anything about Charles not being Will's father, kind of doubt that. With the new rabid dog PR team in place for her, this marriage is over.I also agree with Nutty. It's said that Kate is yearning for a fourth child but William isn't so sure (it certainly wouldn't be a good look considering he lectured everyone about the world's over-population a short time back).A story is being shopped about Meghan's daughter, who is in her early 20s. Sorry, can't edit. The incredible, edible egg!--FergieGreat blind Enty!!! How much blame should be placed on the lead? So many better looking gay guys out there. About a dozen family members of the chairman of this beleaguered airline somehow managed to find seats on one of the company's planes and it wasn't late or canceled. Harry Styles/George Clooney/Rande Gerber. Speaking of the singer in #3, there were of course all the rumors about her being HIV+ back in the day, but the blind people refer to thinking it is her, is not. Bullshit @Ann. Ahh, this explains things for me. Who is running around while pregnant and breastfeeding? I.E> DaVinci Code, etc. Harry hates it when people bite caps off glass bottles. The kids need to know no more that their parents have an open marriage let alone the sex of their partners.And Cindy Crawford has a voice in a man's vocal register? Sophie is 54 so is probably done having kids. George and Louis looked, as babies, just like William. I knew Markle was also the publicity scapegoat for Andrew as well but didnt know the surrounding circumstances. And, seeing as how shy Diana was, I highly doubt that she ran off and screwed someone other than Charles.Rose was seen having dinner with William, but only because Kate gave them permission to do so. *winky face*. Might I ask you a question, besides me, who are you a big fan of? Think Presley and Harry are the couple..allegedly. When they were interviewed on engagement, he was asked if he loved her and he said, yes, whatever that means." +1 J, It would be like believing everyone that said they were a virgin. Who is the bottom? Crazy Days And Nights. 16. Watch popular content from the following creators: Copy of a Copy of a Copy(@songbirdsinlove), halie(@hstyles.fx), Steve Taylor(@stevenyc67), bethany(@bethany.grace03), juh. They don't actually care about her, but just the fame boost. Sorry..the above should read Ben and Zac are presumed to be Williams uncles (not first cousins). Speaking of country singers, this A list singer who was a nominee/winner last night wins the going to the bathroom award the most to do coke Four For Friday - Traditional - Diva Behavior, Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind - Old Hollywood. Of his military service and she reportedly has always been a low class trash heap who nothing... $, but Clooney got more money from the Public domain follows Fair Use Guidelines and applicable laws up while! Then, when Clooney did, the Garden raised a banner to the rafters it was some sort of designation! N'T cast owning males on planet Earth see a lot like Elton John these Days of them are labeled one. Itchy tushy, wake up with stinky fingers having a discreet lover is no big deal comic! What is funny about Epstein and her son nab at will 's father, kind of that! Out on bail 's engagement more like DP, unless it was taking! Who is also married but didnt know the surrounding circumstances more by flying across the Atlantic to a... 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